All 4 Uses of
The Idiot
- The whole story smells of passion, and we all know what this class of gentry is capable of when infatuated.†
Chpt 1.3 *
- Why, cannot you see that they are all infatuated with pride and vanity?†
Chpt 2.12
- Lebedeff then, in tragic tones, told of the approaching marriage, whereupon the other nodded his head and replied that, after all, marriages like that were not so rare; that he had heard that the lady was very fascinating and of extraordinary beauty, which was enough to explain the infatuation of a wealthy man; that, further, thanks to the liberality of Totski and of Rogojin, she possessed—so he had heard—not only money, but pearls, diamonds, shawls, and furniture, and consequently she could not be considered a bad match.†
Chpt 4.10
- In a word, there was a great deal to say; but Mrs. Epanchin, and her daughters, and even Prince S., were still so much distressed by Aglaya's latest infatuations and adventures, that they did hot care to talk of them, though they must have known that Evgenie knew much of the story already.†
Chpt 4.12
possessed by an intense passion or attraction