All 3 Uses of
The Idiot
- This criminal ended at last by denouncing himself to the clergy, and giving himself up to justice.†
Chpt 3.4 *denouncing = strongly criticizing or accusing publicly OR (more rarely) informing against someone
- It was said that Elizabetha Prokofievna and her daughters had there and then denounced the prince in the strongest terms, and had refused any further acquaintance and friendship with him; their rage and denunciations being redoubled when Varia Ardalionovna suddenly arrived and stated that Aglaya had been at her house in a terrible state of mind for the last hour, and that she refused to come home.†
Chpt 4.9denounced = strongly criticized or accused publicly OR (more rarely) informed against someone
- It was said that Elizabetha Prokofievna and her daughters had there and then denounced the prince in the strongest terms, and had refused any further acquaintance and friendship with him; their rage and denunciations being redoubled when Varia Ardalionovna suddenly arrived and stated that Aglaya had been at her house in a terrible state of mind for the last hour, and that she refused to come home.†
Chpt 4.9denunciations = criticisms or accusations
to strongly criticize or accuse publicly
or more rarely: to inform against someone (turn someone into the authorities)
or more rarely: to inform against someone (turn someone into the authorities)