denouncein a sentence
She denounced him as a liar.
denounced = strongly criticized or accused publicly
Angry Iraqis denounced terrorist attacks as harmful to progress for the Iraqi people.
denounced = strongly criticized
- ...families were both celebrated and denounced... (source)
Chris would fixate on his father's own less than sterling behavior many years earlier and silently denounce him as...
denounce = criticize
...published a scathing denunciation of the population limitation laws.
denunciation = criticism
My sister spent the next ten minutes denouncing the Greek system of sororities and fraternities.
denouncing = strongly criticizing
- Emily had thought she was grounded for life for denouncing the Swimming Gods, but she had the feeling they actually wanted her to go out with Ben. (source)
His sermon was a forthright denunciation of sin,
denunciation = strong criticism
They denounce God as a hallucination-a delusional crutch for those too weak to accept that life is meaningless.
denounce = strongly criticized or accused publicly
He might denounce me there before the whole school.
denounce = criticize or accuse publicly
She doesn't say a word and I wonder if she's going to the post office to denounce me for sleeping in my grandmother's bed and wearing her black dress.
denounce = strongly criticize or accuse publicly
show 189 more with this conextual meaning
the spy's mistress had learned of his activities, and before she could denounce him, he had gunned her down cold-bloodedly.
denounce = turn him into the authorities
I denounce these proceedings!
denounce = strongly criticize or accuse publicly
...they're all either helping their fellow citizens or denouncing them and sending them off to prison.
denouncing = informing against
The forty-page report was quickly denounced by Korean Air officials as sensationalized and unrepresentative, but by that point, it was too late to save the company's reputation.
denounced = strongly criticized
One government worker in the Mexican state of Tabasco, who in 1999 denounced corruption by certain judicial police agents, was dead a few days later in a mysterious car accident.
denounced = strongly criticized or accused publicly
...his flat face wrinkled into a scowl as he denounces the nicotine junkies whose weakness rots the underpinnings of civil society.
denounces = strongly criticizes
In trials that were roundly denounced by human rights groups, the nineteen were eventually given life sentences.
denounced = strongly criticized
The implication is that instead of denouncing sweatshops, we in the West should be encouraging manufacturing in poor countries, particularly in Africa and the Muslim world.
denouncing = strongly criticizing
At one point Gustavo brought General Huerta to him at gunpoint and denounced him as a traitor but Francisco would not hear of it and reinstated him.
denounced = accused publicly
it was a time when news about who betrayed, who denounced, and who collaborated spread through nervous Prague
denounced = informed against someone to the authorities
And he was more interested in denouncing the faults of the capitalist world than in cataloging the failures of socialism.
denouncing = strongly criticizing
...they denounced the American scene as corrupt and degenerate,
denounced = strongly and publicly criticized
These factors, coupled with the increasing popularity and vocal denunciations of the new Whig party led by Henry Clay, were quickly eroding popular support.
denunciations = criticisms or accusations
When I brushed him off, he threatened to denounce me to Adam Selene
denounce = to strongly criticize
For good measure, she forbade Felicia to visit her best friend, Herminia, whose father everyone denounced as a witch doctor.
denounced = strongly criticized or accused
Mr. Rearden, the law which you are denouncing is based on the highest principle-the principle of the public good.
denouncing = strongly criticizing or accusing publicly OR (more rarely) informing against someone
But she couldn't denounce you without giving herself away and her sister, too.
denounce = inform against someone; or publicly accuse someone of wrong
The leaflets denounced the United Nations vote,
denounced = strongly criticized
He denounces the violence but has Chillingsworth nearby to take the heat for letting things get out of hand.
denounces = criticizes strongly
But I know that a dozen or half a hundred towns will rise up in injured wrath to denounce me with claims and figures for having much more dreadful weather than Fargo.
denounce = strongly criticize
The prosecution's denouncing the defendant before the trial has even begun!
denouncing = strongly criticizing or accusing publicly
Katharine would unquestionably have denounced him to the Thought Police if she had not happened to be too stupid to detect the unorthodoxy of his opinions.
denounced = informed against him (turned him in)
And when he had finished, she burst into a torrent of prayer, of self-denunciation, and...
denunciation = strong criticism
Go and suspect and exhort and intervene and denounce and butcher some other place and leave my staff alone.
denounce = criticize or accuse publicly
- denounce his predecessor as a scoundrel ...
denounce = accuse publicly
Peace organizations and "Mothers'" groups from all over the country showered me with fiercely sympathetic letters denouncing Jews, Communists, New Dealers and international bankers, who had suppressed my novel to intimidate millions of true Americans who demanded an immediate negotiated peace.
denouncing = strongly criticizing
While they denounced him, Miss Quested lay back with her hands on the arms of her chair and her eyes closed, reserving her strength.
denounced = accused him publicly
She wrote to denounce me and...
denounce = strongly criticize
Denounce him to the police?
denounce = inform against someone (turn someone into the authorities)
She had been denounced three times before the Inquisition.
denounced = accused of wrongdoing
She denounced the Marquis de St. Cyr and all his family to the awful tribunal of the Terror.
denounced = accused publicly
Who denounced in unmeasured terms the exploiters of his own time:
denounced = strongly criticized or accused publicly
At the end of it I sat ... denouncing the shortsighted timidity of the Martians.
denouncing = criticizing
He presently began a long and intricate denunciation of the commander of the forces.
denunciation = strong criticism
Why, he denounced it roundly, and the whole system of modern political finance.
denounced = strongly criticized
Instead of gaily denouncing ... me, they...
denouncing = strongly criticizing or accusing publicly
Now, whether my uncle thought the crash to be the sound of my fall, or whether he heard in it God's voice denouncing murder, I will leave you to guess.
denouncing = strongly criticizing
- The colonel launched a volley of oaths, denouncing the railway company and the conductor; (source)
the Jewish seers had denounced judgments and ruin on their country,
denounced = strongly criticized
I confess that I expected to see my sister denounce him, and that I was disappointed by the different result.
denounce = publicly criticize
... and denounced abuses,
denounced = strongly criticized
What I got from Sheridan was a bold denunciation of slavery, and a powerful vindication of human rights.
denunciation = strong criticism
...which denounces our Separation,
denounces = criticizes strongly
- God had orchestrated all of it so we could denounce the Medical Establishment and testify of His power.† (source)
- Soon mullahs all over Pakistan were denouncing the book, calling for it to be banned, and angry demonstrations were held.† (source)
- Most of the entries were his stream-of-consciousness observations on various classic videogames, science-fiction and fantasy novels, movies, comic books, and '80s pop culture, mixed with humorous diatribes denouncing everything from organized religion to diet soda.† (source)
- I'd heard him denounce the button factory often enough as a trap, a quicksand, a jinx, an albatross, but that was when he'd been drinking.† (source)
- We arrived at the White House to find a group of masked demonstrators carrying signs denouncing the Shah and his government.† (source)
- The party tried in particular to impress on youth the need to stand together, to challenge the government, which was utterly failing to denounce Hitler and offer protection to all Slovaks.† (source)
- Mrs. Strong forthwith denounced the manager, the board, and the Oglethorpe Club as only she could do.† (source)
- Mae's head echoed with self-denunciations.† (source)
- What I looked for him to say was that he didn't believe anything Daddy had said, didn't believe the unspoken gist of his denunciation, either—that I was a worthless and unlovable person.† (source)
- The solution, the Rev. Dudley Wiggin proposed, was" to omit the fifth verse of "We Three Kings," but Owen denounced this as unorthodox.† (source)
- I denounce him, and attaint him, and strip him of all rank and titles, of all lands and incomes and holdings, and do sentence him to death.† (source)
- She had heard her mother criticize the impulsive behavior of her younger sister Hermione, and lament the situation of the three children, and denounce her meek, evasive brother-in-law Cecil who had fled to the safety of All Souls College, Oxford.† (source)
- Having denounced her mother, Flora now turned her attention to William Spiver and his betrayal.† (source)
- Yin Lan-lan had written, "As one of its victims, I denounce the revisionist educational system.† (source)
- He was studying Hindu scriptures, in order to be able to denounce them intelligently.† (source)
- When I arrived, people carried signs denouncing the war, including a few which said "Chicano Power."† (source)
- Partly because the church went into upheaval and denounced the Order Amyr who were a large part of the strength of Atur.† (source)
- Collette was always in the streets, shouting, denouncing cruelty to animals, racism, slavery, French nuclear testing in the Pacific.† (source)
- The sex, then, like the narrative, is a kind of linguisticphilosophical game that ensnares us and implicates us in the crimes we would officially denounce.† (source)
- Eulogies of German leaders, denunciations of traitors and saboteurs, appeals for the unity of the "Nordic peoples."† (source)
- That same day we had our first politics class too, and I was surprised to find that the campaign to denounce Lin Biao was still in full swing.† (source)
- The President appeared on television almost every night to denounce the ruthless war being waged by the opposition.† (source)
- Murtagh, however, has denounced his father's deeds and fled Galbatorix's patronage to seek his own destiny.† (source)
- In that telegram which was never made public, he denounced the first violation of the Treaty of Neerlandia and threatened to proclaim war to the death if the assignment of pensions was not resolved within two weeks.† (source)
- Were I to find one of our people attempting thus to sabotage any other weapon in our arsenal, I should not hesitate to denounce and destroy him.† (source)
- I feel as though any minute now, someone's going to walk in, ask me an impossible question about South African bond yields, and then denounce me as a fraud.† (source)
- For a wild moment she had an impulse to denounce Buckheath and her stepfather.† (source)
- America was in open revolt, he declared, and he denounced as traitors those who, by "gross misrepresentation," labored to inflame his people in America.† (source)
- Newspapers inveighed against Milo with glaring headlines, and Congressmen denounced the atrocity in stentorian wrath and clamored for punishment.† (source)
- Hester Deale, who according to town lore denounced Giles Dent as a witch on the night of July seventh, sixteen fifty-two.† (source)
- The second CO, Whitaker, was a Catholic who liked to include, on my dinner tray, handwritten scripture verses that denounced homosexuality.† (source)
- You denounce it.† (source)
- Either Eva or Sara will show them to the new filings, where they will gawk at the thin, handwritten will, one that specifically revoked and denounced the thick one they so cherished, and the war will begin.† (source)
- Truman was roundly denounced in 1947 for adding the balcony, which was seen as a desecration of the White House's exterior architecture.† (source)
- Even as our pastor then, the old Puritan Stanley, denounced the litanies of the saints and the idolatrous prayers of the Papists for Mary, I clung to the words he decried.† (source)
- Let this be a lesson to all who would defy the Great Romance by denouncing those whom Ely on himself has put over this land.† (source)
- Former president John Quincy Adams denounced it as "a most unjust war."† (source)
- The PAC played the role of saboteur and released thousands of flyers telling people to oppose the stay-at-home, and denouncing the ANC leaders as cowards.† (source)
- A rumor that he was going to "denounce one of the horses" during a Fireside Chat made the rounds, but he kept his allegiances secret.† (source)
- I was prepared to face opposition, even ridicule, denunciation.† (source)
- In these most desperate circumstances, she continued to denounce and complain, even over the most unimportant things.† (source)
- These two clauses have been vehemently denounced.† (source)
- The grand mullah of Mecca had given a speech denouncing the nanovaccines and stating that they were made from the entrails of pigs.† (source)
- In response to such letters from wives, a good many Union soldiers wrote as did an Ohio lieutenant: "Our Fathers made this country, we, their children are to save it ...and you should ...experience a laudable pride in the part your [husband and brothers] are now taking to suppress the greatest rebellion the history of the world has ever witnessed....Why denounce the war when the interest at stake is so vital?† (source)
- He proceeded to denounce his race venomously.† (source)
- Sophie burst into tears, although it had nothing to do with his denunciations.† (source)
- I abhor violence, and I denounce people who advocate it.† (source)
- Zakhar Gorazdykh was also there, an even more sinister personality who was mixed up in the affair of the vodka brewing but was not being prosecuted just now because he had denounced the chief offenders.† (source)
- I was not expecting this vehement denunciation of my colleague, nor did I know exactly how to change the subject tactfully.† (source)
- BOTARD: One should never miss an occasion to denounce it.† (source)
- I think of our others in their three-, four-year-oldness—the explosions, the tempers, the denunciations, the demands —and I feel suddenly ill.† (source)
- But it was not until 1807 that the split between party and Senator became irreparable, and Adams was denounced by the great majority of his constituents, as well as the party chiefs.† (source)
- Its ten torn acres were to be maintained in perpetuity as a stinging denunciation of the insanity that produced the final war.† (source)
- Although Thomas Jefferson denounced inequality, he continued to hold slaves.
- They set out to improve the image of Islam in America by denouncing hatred and emphasizing the faith's common values with other Western creeds.
- Luther vigorously denounced the sale of indulgences.
Don't denounce me. You know we like each other.
denounce = strongly criticize
Napoleon had denounced such ideas as contrary to the spirit of Animalism.
denounced = strongly criticized
There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation.
denunciation = (beyond the requirement of) strong public criticism
I picked the one architect you spent all your time denouncing when you were on the Banner.
denouncing = strongly criticizing
Papa Dalton ... denounced her Communist friend.
denounced = strongly criticized
She was terrific in denunciation of the girl's wickedness.
denunciation = strong criticism or public accusation
Martin hastened to Terry, declaring that he would resign--would denounce-- would expose-- Yes!
denounce = accuse publicly
- I swear to denounce you everywhere as a murderer, as a thief of honor, as a base coward! (source)
Rowena scathingly denounced her betrothed for getting drunk,
denounced = strongly criticized
Therefore there was but one course to pursue-- ... make himself known, and denounce the impostor.
denounce = turn into the authorities
I denounce them to Heaven and to earth.
denounce = to strongly criticize or accuse publicly
...I strangely felt something superstitious knocking at my heart, and forbidding me to carry out my purpose, and denouncing me for a villain if I dared to breathe one bitter word against this forlornest of mankind.
denouncing = strongly criticizing or accusing
"I can't Arthur," returned Flora, "be denounced as heartless by the whole society of China without setting myself right when I have the opportunity of doing so, ..."
denounced = strongly criticized or accused publicly
I denounced you to the official.
denounced = informed against (accused)
- The Vatican denounced the brotherhood as Shaitan.† (source)
- The O.C. Bible was denounced as a work produced by "the hubris of reason."† (source)
- Fazlullah hated the Bollywood movies we so loved, which he denounced as un-Islamic.† (source)
- She denounced all her teachers and her mama for never having told her how to deliver a baby.† (source)
- The priests denounced him, the lords rose against him, and his own captains hacked him into pieces.† (source)
- For these beliefs I was denounced, arrested.† (source)
- Mukhtar denounced the Pakistani government for doing so and refused to be intimidated.† (source)
- We distributed black-bordered leaflets, denouncing the police commissioner.† (source)
- It denounced all of us, including Rachel herself, and even Petra.† (source)
- They didn't really care when they denounced the Metal-and they don't care now.† (source)
- Why, in Spain, such denunciations would be handled immediately.† (source)
- Midas Mulligan had once been the richest and, consequently, the most denounced man in the country.† (source)
- He denounced Cal's godlessness, demanded his reformation.† (source)
- The Nebraska press joined in the denunciation of its junior Senator.† (source)
- Ugly crowds, stones and denunciation as a traitor met him throughout the state.† (source)
- Another woman in her place would have crumpled up the picture, cried, denounced him as a criminal, told him he understood nothing about her life, made a general scene.† (source)
- What people remember isn't the book itself, so much as the furor: ministers in church denounced it as obscene, not only here; the public library was forced to remove it from the shelves, the one bookstore in town refused to stock it.† (source)
- They denounced him for his "Parliamentary Cretinism" and accused him of "providing relief to the people and thereby blunting the People's Consciousness and diverting them from the Revolution."† (source)
- Previously, Deng Xiaoping had been denounced for his slogan about the cat: but now this idea came back in full force.† (source)
- It gave me such a funny feeling, as if I'd denounced them to the authorities and was now spying on their misfortune.† (source)
- Hadn't I hated him a little recently, for talking to Caroline behind my back, for failing to defend me when Daddy denounced us, for never bothering to tell me that he didn't agree with what Daddy said, and even just now, for undermining my trust in Rose?† (source)
- Indeed, one of the books found in the bus with his remains was a collection of stories that included Tolstoy's "The Kreutzer Sonata," in which the nobleman-turned-ascetic denounces "the demands of the flesh."† (source)
- It cited the "patent inconsistency" of Corporal Anderson's two statements about the bullet hole and denounced Lawton's attempt to cover it up.† (source)
- But still we read the editorial comments—the Cultural Revolutionary ideas and themes, pages upon pages of domestic news, unbelievable human achievement stories that denounced the old filthy ideas of the rightists and antirevolutionaries.† (source)
- Adler went to Washington to accept the award, and upon his return his fellow citizens rallied around him in customary fashion: They congratulated him for winning yet another great honor, and as soon as his back was turned, they bitterly denounced him for once again hogging sole credit for a job done by many.† (source)
- Fazlullah denounced Pakistani government officials as "infidels" and said they were opposed to bringing in sharia law.† (source)
- According to the Christians, the Jews are blabbing their secrets to the Germans, denouncing their helpers and causing them to suffer the dreadful fate and punishments that have already been meted out to so many.† (source)
- The Vatican called CERN from time to time as a "courtesy" before issuing scathing statements condemning CERN's research-most recently for CERN's breakthroughs in nanotechnology, a field the church denounced because of its implications for genetic engineering.† (source)
- Our history textbooks were rewritten to describe Pakistan as a "fortress of Islam," which made it seem as if we had existed far longer than since 1947, and denounced Hindus and Jews.† (source)
- The critics denounced the government's virtual ban on discussions of ethnicity that diverged from the official line — a ploy, they said, to cover up systematic discrimination against Hutus, which was bound to lead to more violence someday.† (source)
- Civil War Times, which originally published his findings about the cipher messages, later denounced him.† (source)
- When she had proven immune to Rialla's insidious whisperings—and indeed finally denounced the woman for being a coward and a traitor—the figment was taken from her chamber, and Galbatorix moved on to another ploy.† (source)
- Thirty-seven minutes before first China Coast impact Great China denounced actions of F.N., recognized us, offered to negotiate—and I sprained a finger punching abort buttons.† (source)
- He was a genial, magnanimous lead navigator who could always forgive the other man in the squadron for denouncing him furiously each time he got lost on a combat mission and led them over concentrations of antiaircraft fire.† (source)
- Like General Walker, Richard Nixon has been making a political name for himself by denouncing Communists.† (source)
- The same Whig leaders in Parliament spoke out as they had before, ardently denouncing the "wicked war."† (source)
- Peace Democrats zeroed in on the Emancipation Proclamation in their denunciations of Lincoln's unconstitutional war and their demands for a negotiated peace.† (source)
- And suddenly Tomas recalled the portly policeman handing him the denunciation of none other than this tall editor with the big chin.† (source)
- It was a terse denunciation of superstition, railing against the unreformed Papistry lingering within our hearts.† (source)
- In the fifth act came the famous denunciation of his master by the valet, Figaro, that invariably brought an outburst of approval from the audience.† (source)
- Some of the refugees would sit around angrily denouncing the "cockroaches," and one or another of the Rwandan militiamen would say, "Someday things will be fine.† (source)
- You denounced me.† (source)
- But the warning wasn't entirely plain, and the captain got a little riled up at Farmer's denunciation of the School of the Americas.† (source)
- By Saturday afternoon, the Cuban ambassador to the United Nations was addressing the General Assembly, denouncing the United States for its attack—in response to which Adlai Stevenson, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, repeated JFK's promise that no American forces would ever wage war in Cuba.† (source)
- So our first message to Terra, at 0200 13 Oct 76 seven hours after they invaded, not only announced destruction of their task force, and denounced invasion for brutality, but also promised retaliation bombing, named times and places, and gave each nation a deadline by which to denounce F.N.'s action, recognize us, and thereby avoid being bombed.† (source)
- It contained words of love for the Soviet Union, vows of fidelity to the Communist Party; it condemned the intelligentsia, which wanted to push the country into civil war; and, above all, it denounced the editors of the writers' weekly (with special emphasis on the tall, stooped editor; Tomas had never met him, though he knew his name and had seen pictures of him), who had consciously distorted his article and used it for their own devices, turning it into a call for counterrevolution: too cowardly to write such an article themselves, they had hid behind a naive doctor.† (source)
- A Virginia cavalry officer and planter who learned that his slaves had run off to Union lines angrily denounced the Yankees as "a nation of thieves and robbers....[I] am the more willing to kill as many of them as God in his providence will permit me."† (source)
- On February 27, word arrived that Parliament, in December, had prohibited all trade with the colonies and denounced as traitors all Americans who did not make an unconditional submission.† (source)
- The Evening Post, the most partisan in its denunciations, called the war "unnatural, unconstitutional, unnecessary, unjust, dangerous, hazardous, and unprofitable."† (source)
- I've been yelled at by generals and denounced by people who don't have any data when I have a shitload.† (source)
- In the 1700s, a few Quakers vigorously denounced slavery, but they were dismissed as crackpots and had no influence.† (source)
- I sent out members to mingle with crowds and try to discourage any further violence and sent an open letter to all the press denouncing them for "distorting" and inflating minor incidents.† (source)
- As we were driving through the Somaliland capital of Hargeisa, she pointed suddenly to a banner across the road that denounced cutting.† (source)
- junta's death squads, whose minions had murdered Chouchou, had been trained at Fort Benning's School of the Americas; that some of the junta's henchmen and officers in the Haitian army also worked for the cia; that while formally deploring the coup, Washington, with the help of a generally compliant mainstream American press, was busily denouncing Aristide, even manufacturing lies about him, and maintaining a leaky embargo that seemed calculated to preserve appearances but not to drive the junta out of power.† (source)
- I had blown up and acted personally instead of denouncing the significance of the dolls, him, the obscene idea, and seizing the opportunity to educate the crowd.† (source)
- Jefferson, who made it a "rule of life" not to respond to newspaper attacks, neither denounced Callender nor denied or admitted a connection with Sally Hemings.† (source)
- He had confirmed that he was committing land and sea forces—as well as unnamed foreign mercenaries—sufficient to put an end to that rebellion, and he had denounced the leaders of the uprising for having American independence as their true objective, something those leaders themselves had not as yet openly declared.† (source)
- The fury of denunciations which the holders of public voices unleashed against him was greater than their concern over the horror at the river.† (source)
- The room filled with the uproar of laughter until, no doubt, distracted by having to gulp down my blood, I made a mistake and yelled a phrase I had often seen denounced in newspaper editorials, heard debated in private.† (source)
- Indeed, the international denunciations of FGM prompted a defensive backlash in some countries, leading tribal groups to rally around cutting as a tradition under attack by outsiders.† (source)
- You have heard him denounced in the past as a reactionary who opposed every step, measure, slogan and premise of the present system.† (source)
- Outraged by Dickinson's insistence on petitions to the King as essential to restoring peace, even after Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, Adams had strongly denounced any such step.† (source)
- A week or so after denouncing the tyranny of men, Abigail wrote to say that in her loneliness and with so much riding on her shoulders, she scarcely knew which way to turn.† (source)
- After all, the apostle Paul wanted women to keep silent in church, and the early Christian leader Tertullian denounced women as "the gateway of the devil.† (source)
- Yet these were the words for which Americans were denounced by the rotted cultures of the looters' continents.† (source)
- All your life, you have heard yourself denounced, not for your faults, but for your greatest virtues.† (source)
- But Mukhtar's mother and father kept watch over her and prevented that option; then a local Muslim leader—one of the heroes in this story—spoke up for her at Friday prayers and denounced the rape as an outrage against Islam.† (source)
- Had it been Adams paying such tribute to English foundations and traditions, the uproar would have been immediate; he would have been denounced still again as "tainted" by his years in London and love for all things British.† (source)
- People around the country were exasperated by the social conservatives' campaigns against reproductive health—the defunding of UNFPA, the denunciations of condoms and comprehensive sex education, the attempts to cut off support for family planning by aid groups like Marie Stopes International—and they were eager to do something concrete to help.† (source)
- When Massachusetts Federalists denounced John Quincy as no longer one of the party, Adams wrote to him to say he wished they would denounce him the same way, for he had long since "abdicated and disclaimed the name and character and attributes of that sect, as it now appears."† (source)
- Whenever a man denounces the mind, it is because his goal is of a nature the mind would not permit him to confess.† (source)
- John Quincy had lately distinguished himself with a series of newspaper essays denouncing Citizen Genet and seemed well launched as an attorney in Boston, if still unresolved about aspiring to a public career.† (source)
- There had been a time when he had felt some measure of guilt-in no clearer a form than a touch of irritation-at the thought that he shared the sin of greed, which he spent his time denouncing.† (source)
- Alone at his desk at Poplar Forest, where more than a hundred slaves labored in the fields beyond his window, Jefferson had written one of themost impassioned denunciations of his life, decrying slavery as an extreme depravity: The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions [Jefferson had written], the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other.† (source)
- For ten years, he had heard himself denounced throughout the country, because his was a "company union" and because he had never engaged in a violent conflict with the management.† (source)
- When you work in a modern factory, you are paid, not only for your labor, but for all the productive genius which has made that factory possible: for the work of the industrialist who built it, for the work of the investor who saved the money to risk on the untried and the new, for the work of the engineer who designed the machines of which you are pushing the levers, for the work of the inventor who created the product which you spend your time on making, for the work of the scientist who discovered the laws that went into the making of that product, for the work of the philosopher who taught men how to think and whom you spend your time denouncing.† (source)
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