All 45 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- This evening, however, on coming out into the street, he became acutely aware of his fears.
Chpt 1.1however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
- In that quarter of the town, however, scarcely any shortcoming in dress would have created surprise.
Chpt 1.1 *
- Not shame, however, but quite another feeling akin to terror had overtaken him.
Chpt 1.1
- This pledge was, however, only a smoothly planed piece of wood the size and thickness of a silver cigarette case.
Chpt 1.6
- Glancing, however, into the kitchen and seeing a bucket half full of water on a bench, he bethought him of washing his hands and the axe.
Chpt 1.7
- CHAPTER III He was not completely unconscious, however, all the time he was ill; he was in a feverish state, sometimes delirious, sometimes half conscious.
Chpt 2.3
- However, the two rooms are exceedingly clean, and as it is for so short a time….
Chpt 2.5
- "Have you the papers?" he asked, going into a very spacious and positively clean restaurant, consisting of several rooms, which were, however, rather empty.
Chpt 2.6
- Voices outside were heard, however, speaking of the hospital and saying that they'd no business to make a disturbance here.
Chpt 2.7
- Ten minutes later, however, she was considerably reassured; it was characteristic of Razumihin that he showed his true nature at once, whatever mood he might be in, so that people quickly saw the sort of man they had to deal with.
Chpt 3.1
- Razumihin broke in upon her thoughts, guessing them, as he strolled along the pavement with huge steps, so that the two ladies could hardly keep up with him, a fact he did not observe, however.†
Chpt 3.1however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using "though", "in spite of that", "in contrast", "nevertheless", etc.
- He omitted, however, many things, which were better omitted, including the scene at the police station with all its consequences.
Chpt 3.2however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
- This lasted an instant, however.†
Chpt 3.3however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using "though", "in spite of that", "in contrast", "nevertheless", etc.
- It was partly assumed, however.†
Chpt 3.4
- However, if you refuse it, so be it, though ten thousand roubles is a capital thing to have on occasion.
Chpt 4.1however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
- He looked, however, as though he were a little put out and could not yet recover himself.
Chpt 4.2
- I tell you frankly at the start that I cannot look at it in any other light, and if you have the least regard for me, all this business must be ended to-day, however hard that may be.
Chpt 4.2however = regardless of how
- There was lack of precaution on both sides, however, for Porfiry Petrovitch seemed to be laughing in his visitor's face and to be very little disturbed at the annoyance with which the visitor received it.
Chpt 4.5however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
- He did not take the water, however.†
Chpt 4.5however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using "though", "in spite of that", "in contrast", "nevertheless", etc.
- However simple Andrey Semyonovitch might be, he began to see that Pyotr Petrovitch was duping him and secretly despising him, and that "he was not the right sort of man."
Chpt 5.1however = regardless of how
- However, you may be present during the interview.
Chpt 5.1however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
- Katerina Ivanovna, however, put off expressing her feelings for the time and contented herself with treating her coldly, though she decided inwardly that she would certainly have to put Amalia Ivanovna down and set her in her proper place, for goodness only knew what she was fancying herself.
Chpt 5.2
- The Pole brought with him, however, two other Poles who did not live at Amalia Ivanovna's and whom no one had seen here before.
Chpt 5.2
- My sister's future is secure, however, now, I believe…. and my mother's must be too….
Chpt 5.4
- However, I won't dispute it, let me be a braggart, why not brag, if it hurts no one?
Chpt 6.3
- On this last score, however, Marfa Petrovna was fairly at ease.
Chpt 6.4
- And however she came to risk taking such a beautiful creature into her house as a governess.
Chpt 6.4however = in whatever way
- But, however foolish I may be, Rodya, I can see for myself that you will very soon be one of the leading—if not the leading man—in the world of Russian thought.
Chpt 6.7 *however = regardless of how
- He bore these remarks quietly, however, and, without looking round, he turned down a street leading to the police office.
Chpt 6.8however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
- [*] It's only a chance that I am here…. however I'll do what I can.
Chpt 6.8 *however = in whatever way
- It happened once or twice, however, that Pulcheria Alexandrovna gave such a turn to the conversation that it was impossible to answer her without mentioning where Rodya was, and on receiving unsatisfactory and suspicious answers she became at once gloomy and silent, and this mood lasted for a long time.
Chpt Epil.however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
- Owing to the proximity of the Hay Market, the number of establishments of bad character, the preponderance of the trading and working class population crowded in these streets and alleys in the heart of Petersburg, types so various were to be seen in the streets that no figure, however queer, would have caused surprise.†
Chpt 1.1
- He controlled himself however.†
Chpt 1.2
- He remembered however, that on coming out on to the canal bank, he was alarmed at finding few people there and so being more conspicuous, and he had thought of turning back.†
Chpt 1.7
- There's no need for such anxiety, however; the masses will scarcely ever admit this right, they punish them or hang them (more or less), and in doing so fulfil quite justly their conservative vocation.†
Chpt 3.5
- As for what you've alluded to in my letter, be so good as to point out one word of falsehood, show, that is, that you didn't throw away your money, and that there are not worthless persons in that family, however unfortunate.†
Chpt 4.2
- She took the book however.†
Chpt 4.4
- However his health seemed unimpaired so far, and looking at his noble, clear-skinned countenance which had grown fattish of late, Pyotr Petrovitch for an instant was positively comforted in the conviction that he would find another bride and, perhaps, even a better one.†
Chpt 5.1
- He was one of the numerous and varied legion of dullards, of half-animate abortions, conceited, half-educated coxcombs, who attach themselves to the idea most in fashion only to vulgarise it and who caricature every cause they serve, however sincerely.†
Chpt 5.1
- But in the first place, everybody does so in one way or another, and in the second place, of course, one ought to be moderate and prudent, however mean it may be, but what am I to do?†
Chpt 6.3
- And however coarse the flattery, at least half will be sure to seem true.†
Chpt 6.4
- Svidrigailov was not however very drunk, the wine had affected him for a moment, but it was passing off every minute.†
Chpt 6.4
- There was a cold damp draught from the window, however; without getting up he drew the blanket over him and wrapped himself in it.†
Chpt 6.6
- All this was almost coarse.... The sentence however was more merciful than could have been expected, perhaps partly because the criminal had not tried to justify himself, but had rather shown a desire to exaggerate his guilt.†
Chpt Epil.
- It was a quiet and sorrowful wedding; Porfiry Petrovitch and Zossimov were invited however.†
Chpt Epil.
(however as in: However, complications may...) though (or another expression that connects contrasting ideas)
(Based on idea 1 we might not expect idea 2, but this is a way of saying that even though idea 1 exists, we still have idea 2. Synonyms include in spite of that, despite that, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the other hand, in contrastand but.) -
(however as in: However much she tried...) to whatever degree (regardless of how much; or whatever unspecified amount)
(however as in: However you do it, get it done!) in whatever way