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however as in:  However, complications may...

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  • I hope to take the ACT just once. However, I will take it early, so there is time to study and take it again if my scores aren't high enough.
  • Most college application deadlines are in January and February. Early admission deadlines, however, are around November, and some scholarships require even earlier deadlines.
  • The exemption from rudeness startled him. Reading it again, however, he realized that it didn't compel him to be rude; it simply allowed him the option.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • There may be no need for this letter since I hope to reach you ahead of it. If I'm held up, however, I want you—and Dana—to know that I'm coming.   (source)
  • However, I'm available and willing to represent Starr on my own.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • Mother's conversion to Dad's philosophy was not total, however, and occasionally she was possessed of her old enthusiasm.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • However, since there was no sign of a cover-up, the absence of footprints does not, by itself, prove there was a crime.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • The girl, however, stayed.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • Suddenly he was being invited to the White House by George W. Bush and to 10 Downing Street by Tony Blair. There was a major problem, however.   (source)
  • I am, however, with Isaac, who seems to be decompensating.   (source)
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  • Once, however, I was able to enjoy a book left in my domain by one of my keepers.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • I would understand if you were hesitant to speak with me. However, please be aware that if you choose not to accept our proposal, we intend to approach each of your competitors.   (source)
    however = but (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • Unwinds also never admit that their items are stolen. ... The pawnbroker will usually listen to their stories for their entertainment value. If it's a good story, he'll just throw the kid out. If it's a lousy story, he'll call the police and have them picked up. This kid, however, doesn't have a story; he comes only with the truth.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • If I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy — however, I felt it would be instructive to let them see ….   (source)
  • Usually, Stanley couldn't see the mountains at this time of day. ... Now, however, the sky was very dark off to the west, and every time the lightning flashed, the dark shape of the mountains would briefly appear.   (source)
    however = though (or another expression that connects contrasting ideas)
  • Mom, however, told us that the FBI wasn't really after Dad; he just liked to say they were because it was more fun having the FBI on your tail than bill collectors.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • Alexander is jubilant! His jubilance, however, was short-lived.   (source)
  • He did, however, earn a steady enough income to rent an apartment for himself and Cynthia.   (source)
  • After March, lizard bites were no longer reported. However, I have this graph from the Public Health Service in San Jose of infant mortality in the towns of the west coast earlier this year.   (source)
    however = but (a word used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • I sipped. Rosaleen, however, downed hers so fast she let out a belch that the boys in my old junior high would have envied.   (source)
    however = but (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • I did not think cheer-leading tryouts would matter, but I was not so sure about yelling at your mother. I was certain, however, that if your mother left, it would be something that mattered in the whole long course of your lifetime.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • At first he'd said he was snooping around the Mother Paula's property in order to heist a load of Gladiator cigarettes. However, after speaking with a lawyer, the boy changed his story.   (source)
    however = but (a word used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • I suggest we postpone any decision until we have given the matter careful thought, and until the time all of the heirs can attend. However, since we are assembled, I have a question to ask of the group; perhaps others do, too.   (source)
    however = but
  • Others attempted to hop over the gullies to the forest to bypass the hole; however, we knew from much experience that they would not make it.   (source)
    however = but (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • It was squatting on a low stump and she might not have noticed it, for it looked more like a mushroom than a living creature sitting there. As she came abreast of it, however, it blinked, and the movement gave it away.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • At least he hadn't caught some evil disease. However, a much worse thing had happened: my father was now an atheist.   (source)
    however = but
  • The dogs were acting natural. Henry, however, had immediately stopped acting natural.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • Unlike Rick's, however, the Count's montage did not draw on his memories; it drew instead on his imaginings.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • The night, however, was young.   (source)
  • Her eyes, however, dance before him.   (source)
  • However, despite it all, I'm grateful for every day I live to see the sunrise.   (source)
  • However, the guys at school give me attention.   (source)
  • Beatrice, however ….   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • The deeper bruise, however, Mary could do nothing about.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • In the compact territory of a zoo, however, the case is quite different, and to leave feces in an animal's enclosure is to invite reinfection by encouraging the animal to eat them, animals being gluttons for anything that remotely resembles food.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • Once, however, I stumbled and dropped a sack of buttons, which spilled over the floor.   (source)
  • Garrett, however, wasn't.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • I'm sure it's very difficult. ... I still think you can help us, however.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • What was surprising, however, was how superficial, insubstantial, and uninterested the court's two-and-a-half-page order read.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • Scoring, however, will be the same.   (source)
  • Now, however, I felt oddly restless and dislocated.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • However, if there was one thing his gut told him, it was not to admit to any doubt.   (source)
  • However...   (source)
    however = but (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • She was usually very slow and calm, and never raised her voice. Today, however, she turned her head and squealed at us.   (source)
    however = in spite of that
  • This time, however, I hear what sounds like the faintest sigh.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • However, we didn't lose another game in the regular season and were ranked number one in the state as we headed into the playoffs.   (source)
  • However, I think you'll find they'll come in very handy on Camazotz.   (source)
  • However, we must be on watch.   (source)
  • One face, however, was missing.   (source)
  • In the meantime, however, I have to go and fetch your brother.   (source)
  • Mary Joline Walker, however, thinks three is plenty.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • There are other times, however, when nature is on your side.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • ...he had a naturally tranquil disposition and a slow fuse. At the time, however, I thought the only explanation for what he did was that for a few minutes he simply went mad.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • "However," the prince said, "there's a catch."   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • Before Maniac could go to sleep, however, there was something he had to do.   (source)
  • Phineas however did not believe this.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • However, several days later, something else grabs my attention.   (source)
  • Josh's friends, however, went right on eating.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • The characters and events in this novel are fictional. However, there were many unsolved bombings in Birmingham at the time of the story, including the one that took place at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church on September 15, 1963.   (source)
  • A rumen, however, is naturally neutral or non-acid.   (source)
  • I'm not completely unfortunate, however.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • However, hot chocolate made with water is more digestible than that made with milk.   (source)
  • However, the thing that was stung most was his mind.   (source)
  • I am only obligated to listen, however.   (source)
  • However, the squirrel was still a squirrel.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • He did not move any farther, however.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • She is, however—mentioned somewhat.   (source)
  • Kit left the work gratefully. She had no intention of resting, however, and presently she was tripping out the door when her aunt called her back.   (source)
  • Things never happened as he planned, however, and because he was concentrating on looking for rabbits he very nearly stepped on a foolbird.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • ...they looked insectlike to human beings. ... However, their antennae seemed almost vestigial.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • Mr. Keesing had nothing to complain about for two whole classes. However, during the third class he'd finally had enough.   (source)
    however = but (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • Except in extraordinary circumstances, Mexican immigration agents are barred from carrying firearms. According to a retired agent, however, most have .38-caliber pistols.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • In the end, however, nothing came of it.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • About dawn, however, I know what I got to do.   (source)
  • It's not surprising that you've escaped notice. However, I wouldn't expect that to last.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • I may be one of the worst people on earth to try explaining anything at all about money. However, I want to pass on to you something a close friend once told me—   (source)
    however = in spite of that
  • However, one musician from the camp is chosen to play with the professional orchestra and to perform a solo movement.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • The child, however, is buried around the corner, beyond this house and just down the highway.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • However, since it is you and not Coach Reed, perhaps we can put the time to some good use, as you seem to have given up on Jane Eyre.   (source)
  • Booth, however, refused to let Herold go.   (source)
  • Here, however, the answer is simple.   (source)
  • However, she is snapping no pictures now.   (source)
  • We must, however, withhold the name of the patient.   (source)
  • We were in the basket of the balloon, and the odds of the basket hitting the train were small. However, there was certainly a risk that the giant balloon itself (called "the envelope") would fall onto the tracks when we hit the ground.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • However, many, indeed most of them, are so weak from starvation and misery that they couldn't offer any resistance.   (source)
  • Jonathan Ogden, however, actually tries.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • I'll eventually kill you anyway. ... However, to save myself some trouble, I'm giving you a choice.   (source)
    however = but (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • She cried when Olivia told how her grandmother had been treated as a slave. No one else in this village wants to hear about slavery, however.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • Mr. Krupp, however, just stood there in a daze.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • However, Mother and I had been able to get hold of eight scrawny cows, mainly from people who owed us a lot of money.   (source)
  • "But the image of the olive tree is a nice one, don't you think?"
    Father just squinted at him, like here was one tree he'd like to make into firewood. Brother Fowles didn't get the least bit steamed up, however.   (source)
    however = though (used to connect contrasting ideas)
  • However, Dad taught us how to deal with them long ago, especially the coral snakes and those copperhead vipers. However, Dad taught us how to deal with them long ago, especially the coral snakes and those copperhead vipers.   (source)
  • Swaths of green were few and far between. There was a jade-tinted rectangle in the middle of Clarkston, however: Armistead Field in Milam Park.   (source)
  • Margaret Narwin, however, changed the rules.   (source)
    however = a word used to connect contrasting ideas as when using though, in spite of that, in contrast, nevertheless, etc.
  • However, things had not been going well.   (source)
  • These two groups of writers, however, don't seem to read each other's work.   (source)
  • However, I'm aware of your abilities.   (source)
  • The comments, however, got heated at times and cruel at others.   (source)
  • The pain, however, wasn't in my mouth, but inside my chest.   (source)
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however as in:  However much she tried...

show 10 more with this conextual meaning
  • However safe we make it, there will always be risk.
  • Then Mr Prodnose's factory came out with a chewing-gum that never lost its flavour however much you chewed it.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • However long he'd worked in the junkyard, he was never too tired to drive across the valley to hear me.   (source)
    however long = whatever length of time
  • Tate was more than her first love: he shared her devotion to the marsh, had taught her to read, and was the only connection, however small, to her vanished family.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • We Pashtuns cannot turn away relatives or friends, however inconvenient.   (source)
  • One thing I knew for sure: however much I missed Grans, Mom must have missed her more.   (source)
  • At least here, I have a chance, however small, to become more than what I was.   (source)
  • Walking through the X-ray machine marked the first time I'd taken a step without oxygen in some months, and it felt pretty amazing to walk unencumbered like that, stepping across the Rubicon, the machine's silence acknowledging that I was, however briefly, a nonmetallicized creature.   (source)
  • Nothing seemed to give Colin a bigger thrill than to say, "All right, Harry?" six or seven times a day and hear, "Hello, Colin," back, however exasperated Harry sounded when he said it.   (source)
  • I was forced to acknowledge that volition alone, however powerful, was not going to get me up the north wall.   (source)
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  • It must be a unanimous choice of the Committee. They can have no doubts, however fleeting. If, during the process, an Elder reports a dream of uncertainty, that dream has the power to set a candidate aside instantly.   (source)
  • The animals, however exotic, would fundamentally behave like animals in zoos anywhere.   (source)
  • In addition to a fear of getting caught, Roy had serious qualms about trying anything illegal—and there was no dodging the fact that vandalism was a crime, however noble the cause.   (source)
  • Still, she meant to keep on with her efforts, however difficult the task might appear.   (source)
  • It was lonesome in the woods that night, more than usual, and he couldn't resist some connection, however tenuous, to those people and their festivities.   (source)
    however = regardless of how (to whatever degree)
  • But no counsel, however well grounded in history, is suitable for all.   (source)
    however = to whatever degree (regardless of how much; or whatever unspecified amount)
  • I rolled it up and tossed it midway on the tarpaulin to act as a barrier, however small.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • But however blistered her hands became, Tally felt stronger than ever before.   (source)
  • Any pity Thomas had felt for Gally, however remote, completely vanished at that statement.   (source)
  • Somehow they messed with things to make a radial signal, however weak it may be.   (source)
  • The problem was that he could not concentrate on "literature," however much he might admire it.   (source)
  • Valor makes up for a fair amount of folly, but you're not a boy anymore, however many years you've seen.   (source)
  • Quackenbush took advantage of a break in this line of conversation to announce that he would certainly stay at Devon through the year, however half-cocked others might rush off.   (source)
  • No show of love, however believable, will turn this tide.   (source)
  • There was no refusing, however inconvenient it might have seemed to fight a war with Meissen porcelain under one arm.   (source)
  • She said, "I want you to think about a nickel's worth of candy money, or however much you eat each week--your Good and Plentys, your Necco wafers, your Jujubes--and compare that to what you are about to see."   (source)
    however = whatever amount of
  • "We will have to carry him to the next village, however far that might be," Kanei said slowly.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • But I tell you the smoke is more important than the pig, however often you kill one.   (source)
  • I'll not be ordered to bed no more, Mr. Proctor! I am eighteen and a woman, however single!   (source)
  • She couldn't stay in Baton Rouge for however many weeks it would be before New Orleans was habitable again.   (source)
    however = the number of
  • He tried to put a name on the feeling that put a lump in his throat and made him sob silently, however much he tried to hold it down.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • Deep down I know I could never be that innocent again, however much I'd like to be.   (source)
  • Those moments, however brief and rare, made me feel so special.   (source)
  • Can you give me a ride however far north you are going?   (source)
    however = the amount
  • Her responses, however harsh, were straightforward and predictable.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • However little sense it made, I cared.   (source)
  • Tim's on a leave of absence, and whenever he's in the hospital, they let me take however much time I need.   (source)
    however = whatever amount of
  • However much life in Gion was a struggle, life after running away would surely be more of a struggle.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • The dog wouldn't let go, however hard she pulled.   (source)
  • Still, he knows that each component of a building, however small, is nevertheless essential, and he finds it gratifying that after all his years of schooling, all his crits and unbuilt projects, his efforts are to have some practical end.   (source)
  • "That may be correct," said Colonel Fedmahn Kassad, "but however they may try to use all of us as pawns, we must attempt to choose our own actions."   (source)
  • However much he loved us, he couldn't live with the madness in our Queens home, preferring to keep his old digs at 478 Carlton Avenue in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.   (source)
  • And when you try, however well-intentioned, you're going to sink.   (source)
  • Now, as I pored through more serious works on the Labrador retriever, I was relieved to learn that our choice, however ill informed, was not too wildly off the mark.   (source)
  • But we cannot rule out our stubbornness, however weak it may be.   (source)
  • However far she was from Sweet Home, there was no point in giving out her real name to the first person she saw.   (source)
  • "I'll imagine however much we need," she said.   (source)
    however = enough regardless of how (to whatever degree)
  • With another shock, I realized that the circle was made up of Taha Aki's great — to however many degrees — grandsons.   (source)
    however = whatever amount of
  • When we had sex, especially, I couldn't push it out of my mind, however badly I wanted to.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • She pledged to collect palm nuts also, even though these taste to us exactly like candle wax, however much the Congolese children seem to prize them.   (source)
  • I also knew that one false step, a dislodged rock, however small, would betray our positions.   (source)
  • However poor his English, he understood what his coach was saying.   (source)
  • However many times you think, Annie, that's how many times I was out.   (source)
  • However hard I try, I will always feel alien and strange.   (source)
  • I'll give you however many men you need.   (source)
    however = whatever amount of
  • "Well," he said conclusively, "however much you pray it doesn't shorten your stretch."   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • That southern province, however distant and unknown, was exactly what he had been waiting for.   (source)
  • But since no one in Guilder could know yet what we've done, and no one in Florin could have gotten here so quickly, he is definitely not, however much it may look like it, following us.   (source)
  • But with three glasses, we have to be able to describe and hold the taste of the first and then the second cola in our memory and somehow, however briefly, convert a fleeting sensory sensation into something permanent—and to do that requires knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary of taste.   (source)
  • He must return at last to a world as it is, however much in conflict with his hopes, and he must then do what he can to edge reality toward what he has dreamed, to change what he can change, to go beyond the wish or the fantasy.   (source)
  • Whatever you want or need, however difficult, tell me and it's done.   (source)
  • He'd perfected his wolf stare over the last few months—a look that said: However bad you think you are, I'm worse.   (source)
    however = to whatever degree (regardless of how much; or whatever unspecified amount)
  • But however hard he worked to make Paul's life smooth and easy, the fact remained that David had built that life on a lie.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • One has to plan every action, however small and seemingly insignificant.   (source)
  • However much Simon might appreciate it, it seemed early to break out the topless sleeping arrangements.   (source)
  • I will not cry however much this nurse yanks my hair.   (source)
  • The task ahead, however difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant, was hers and hers alone.   (source)
  • Even so, and however much they pressured him, Perry was sure Dick would hold out.   (source)
  • However difficult she was, Ellie was still his wife.   (source)
  • I don't think you'd really understand this part, however carefully I explained.   (source)
  • However much it tore inside her, Quinn knew it.   (source)
  • Yes, shorting the bagel man is white-collar crime, writ however small.   (source)
  • I was alone, however briefly, and I tried to calm down.   (source)
  • Kanoro held me for a long moment and then said to me, "However far you go from here, you must carry me with you in your heart."   (source)
  • Whatever she looked at, however far away it might be, once she had fixed her eyes steadily on it, became quite clear and close as if she were looking through a telescope.   (source)
  • Emma could never resist a touch of glitter, however small.   (source)
  • Two faces that, however poorly rendered, I could never ignore.   (source)
  • At that moment the chance to speak with my family, however briefly and however bittersweet the conversation, was worth the risk of Moody's wrath.   (source)
  • Because however much of a Daphne you yearn to be, there is always your Ermintrude looking over your shoulder.   (source)
  • Tonight, Old Tom's bell shall ring once more to open this school and remind us of our sacred duty to kindle a light—however small—on this beloved earth.   (source)
  • All it took was an angry word or some insult, however slight, and the subtle differences in our characters vanished and you would have thought we were children of Beelzebub, unbound.   (source)
  • When I began to become frustrated over petty little things, Patsy bore it with the patience of a saint, but I could sense that the number of these situations, however insignificant, was forming a wedge between us.   (source)
  • However much I paid Jamaican servants I would never buy discretion.   (source)
  • Whatever their plans or however little time remained in the "season for action," they seemed, inexplicably, in no hurry whatever.   (source)
  • But nobody will read the book, however it ends.   (source)
  • Maybe it was however much sleep he'd managed, but Mortenson sensed he was thinking more clearly.   (source)
    however = whatever amount of
  • Yet, however much civilian support might have been in doubt, Smith had no doubts about the determination and bravery of his Marines.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • Aunt J came around and took the wheel, and as I scooted my black-and-blue butt across the seat, I vowed to weasel her secrets, however dark they might be.   (source)
  • Spend a few days in that reality, a week, a month, however much time you need.   (source)
    however = whatever amount of
  • However much fun it would be—it wouldn't be fair or honest to go.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • The easy and absolute certainty that whatever the danger, however terrible the odds, you'll stand firm, behave with the dignity of a hero, yea, even to the grave!   (source)
  • However little you know, it's more than I do, who never has labored myself nor even birthed any livestock.   (source)
  • He had to concentrate on the space around them, at whatever movement-however slight-he might discern in the shadows of the large parking lot.   (source)
  • However many you can eat without barfing.   (source)
    however = whatever number of
  • I remember thinking long ago, 'We're loved infinitely for however little bit of time we have.'   (source)
    however = whatever amount of
  • Yet, however much the tone of the article suggested otherwise, even if true, the allegations were trivial.   (source)
    however = regardless of how
  • In a night which falls before our eyes
    However deep, we do not miss our way.   (source)
  • However little he paid, it would be more than Hosie made at the mill.   (source)
  • However far I have missed achieving it, I know that moderation is one of the virtues I most believe in.   (source)
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however as in:  However you do it, get it done!

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  • However we get there, the main thing is to be absolutely sure we're not late.
    however = whatever way
  • I turned to pass the tea set to my sister, so she could administer justice however she saw fit, but when I saw her expression I nearly dropped it.   (source)
    however = in whatever way
  • In the OASIS, you could create your own private planet, build a virtual mansion on it, furnish and decorate it however you liked, and invite a few thousand friends over for a party.   (source)
  • Whether they are destroyed individually or in groups, or however it is done, with mass bombing, poisonous smoke, poisons, drowning, decapitation, or what, dispose of them as the situation dictates ….   (source)
  • Somehow he would have to get into the tail, inside the plane, rip or cut his way in, and however he did it he would need an operating base of some kind.   (source)
  • Do I have some notion of leaving a signature, after all? After all I've done to avoid it, Iris, her mark, however truncated: initials chalked on the sidewalk, or a pirate's X on the map, revealing the beach where the treasure was buried.   (source)
  • Never again would he walk Nevsky Prospekt, however they chose to rename it, without feeling an unbearable sense of loss.   (source)
  • Her knowledge went much deeper, however: She instinctively understood the questions I didn't even know to ask, and she always encouraged me to seek opportunities that I didn't know existed.   (source)
  • My mother had written to family and friends, asking them to help her however they could.   (source)
  • However Richard Parker took possession of the island, the bow and the tarpaulin remained my territory.   (source)
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  • One thought stuck in her mind: However it had happened, it was her fault.   (source)
  • Opus Dei is a personal prelature of Vatican City, and His Holiness can disperse monies however he sees fit.   (source)
  • However I took them in, I had to try not to force them out on other people, especially Maxon.   (source)
  • Harry, Ron, and Hermione knew otherwise, however; they had come face-to-face with Wormtail only the previous year, though only Professor Dumbledore had believed their story.   (source)
  • He didn't mention Teresa, however—she was the only thing he left out.   (source)
  • However it was, it was worse for him to know it.   (source)
  • Grandma Sands called a couple of times and told them that the police thought two white men drove by in a car and threw it in during services, or that they'd already hidden it in the church with a clock set to go off during Sunday school. However it got in the church it had killed four little girls, blinded a couple more and sent a bunch of other people to the hospital.   (source)
  • She could move them however she pleased, yet she didn't know what to do with them, other than knitting.   (source)
  • Simon, walking in front of Ralph, felt a flicker of incredulity—a beast with claws that scratched, that sat on a mountain-top, that left no tracks and yet was not fast enough to catch Samneric. However Simon thought of the beast, there rose before his inward sight the picture of a human at once heroic and sick.   (source)
  • Thomas Putnam felt that his own name and the honor of his family had been smirched by the village, and he meant to right matters however he could.   (source)
  • He can clean his suit however he wants.   (source)
  • Their communication, however they do it, is instantaneous.   (source)
  • With such a rule of terror, he will be able to shape the Empire however he wants.   (source)
  • They can interpret this however they want.   (source)
  • Because however it had happened, I'd somehow ended up eating shrimp in a dingy downtown shack with a girl that I already knew I'd never forget.   (source)
  • Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper.   (source)
  • It was in my blood, you might say, and however the notion got there, it bothered me greatly.   (source)
  • "The patient states that she feels fairly well," one doctor wrote in her chart, "however she continues to complain of some vague lower abdominal discomfort."   (source)
  • However they wanted to throw those lights on the tree was fine by me.   (source)
  • I repeated to Nelson that, however he might interpret the parable of Job, our family doesn't believe in witch-doctor ngangas and evil-eye fetishes and the nkisis and gree-grees people wear around their necks, to ward off curses and the like.   (source)
  • The two women escaped, and Paula resolved to get out of Brazzaville however she could.   (source)
  • My parents were able to design the structure, schedule, and content however they wanted.   (source)
  • Why would they bother following any of the rules they agree to if they can just hire nonunion workers and treat them however they want?   (source)
  • As I tried to pull myself together, Mr. Greene told me that he would help me however he could, and that I didn't need to worry about everything at once.   (source)
  • Waiting on table was certainly not his forte; he had still to master platters and serving implements, and would fling the food down however he could.   (source)
  • He took them to the jetties where half the city also went after nightfall, he took them wherever he could, and sometimes even where he could not, and not infrequently he had to hurry into a dark entryway and do what he could, however he could do it, behind the gate.   (source)
  • I told Adam to come on over, I wasn't going anywhere then proceeded to fret, as I did anytime he and Lince popped up together in a single thought, anyway I had only this day to make him remember me, however I could.   (source)
  • My Lord Nightbringer … "For hundreds of years," Cook says, "the Nightbringer plagued mankind however he could."   (source)
  • With it, he can reshape the present however he chooses.   (source)
  • They did not see what they were doing as anything wrong; their daddies had been free to take game when they wanted, however they wanted.   (source)
  • But however a removal might fit in with the designs of his wizardry, there was no doubt about the fact: Frodo Baggins was going back to Buckland.   (source)
  • However it had happened, Jason was elated to see their old friend in action once more.   (source)
  • My son may be a king, but I am no queen …. only a mother who would keep her children safe, however she could.   (source)
  • She was already seeing the analyst, by that time, but it wasn't working fast enough, and one night in the middle of winter, about eleven o'clock, she went into that office of Tag's, where he was working late the way he always did--that boy worked seventeen, eighteen hours a day, and that's the truth--you see it wasn't just juggling numbers that he was up to: he was making money however he could, and that included working himself half to death.   (source)
  • God, whoever and however He may be, was nowhere to be found in that room this afternoon.†   (source)
  • _ I'm all right now however she goes.   (source)
  • Oh, Anne, it was Aunt Josephine, however she came to be there.   (source)
  • However we may talk of it, we ken the truth.   (source)
  • However in the world could I manage without a tent?   (source)
    however = in what way
  • However that might be, the known facts were that a few weeks before the factory closed, Marija had been cheated out of her pay for three hundred cans.   (source)
    however = in whatever way
  • However it is done, it is certain that a beam of heat is the essence of the matter.   (source)
  • However he had got much worse suddenly.   (source)
  • The female mind, though cruelly practical in daily life, cannot bear to hear ideals belittled in conversation, and Miss Schlegel was asked however she could say such dreadful things, and what it would profit Mr. Bast if he gained the whole world and lost his own soul.   (source)
    however = how
  • He had only thought it was not the treasure, however—he had not known that it wasn't—and so the suggestion of a captured bundle was too much for his self-possession.   (source)
    however = in whatever way
  • He grew thoughtful, however; he guessed at once that he was seriously ill, and that that was why his mother was begging him to confess and take the sacrament.   (source)
  • However that may have been, Mr. Fogg carefully put his watch upon the table, and observed its advancing hands.   (source)
  • He'll get his share, however he has to squeeze to get it!   (source)
  • I did not cry so as to be heard, however; I avoided sobbing.   (source)
  • But however and whenever we part from one another, I am sure we shall none of us forget poor Tiny Tim—shall we—or this first parting that there was among us?   (source)
  • However he came to dream of it, I cannot think.   (source)
  • The general looked around him with slight uneasiness; however he did not yield, but calling up all his fortitude, said,—"I will not swear."   (source)
  • But however infinite they might be in number and shape, they were all eternal, immutable, and indivisible.†   (source)
  • But, however it was, King Darzin got to know that he had been made a fool when he delivered his lettuces to the marshes of Kelfazin.†   (source)
  • But however he turned his head and squinted and whisked his beard to and fro, he couldn't quite see his own shoulder.†   (source)
  • But however it felt, it smelled good.†   (source)
  • However that might be, he suddenly felt uncomfortable under the eyes of all these men and women.†   (source)
  • But however I chose to remember it, that event would change everything.   (source)
  • However the Rusties got their kicks, this was perfect for a hoverboard.   (source)
  • Victory is victory and dead is dead, however it is achieved.   (source)
  • I'm a free man, and I'll insult anyone I choose, whenever I choose, however I choose—even you.   (source)
  • I didn't even want her serving me, and it seemed she was mostly fine with helping Mom however she could or playing with May.   (source)
  • He had more important things to worry about, however: he was looking over the students' heads to the staff table that ran along the top wall of the Hall.   (source)
  • After another quarter of an hour, however he was forced to conclude that the rest of his mother's letter was gone.   (source)
  • Katherine interceded now, quickly explaining that despite Bellamy's warnings and her brother's request that Langdon not unwrap the package, she had done so, feeling her first priority was to help her brother however she could.   (source)
  • Gravity could go any which way. However I want it to go. I can make Graff stand on his head and he doesn't even know it.   (source)
  • If I find anything out, I will tell you, and I will cooperate however I can, but right now I don't need to be questioned like I did something wrong.   (source)
  • Just because a man has made enough money to come to Gion and waste it however he chooses doesn't mean he's fun to be around.   (source)
  • Mostafa was not impressed by the Bulgarians' arguments, however; he was jabbing his finger into the air, clearly telling them to get flying again, and when they refused, he gave two short blasts on his whistle.   (source)
  • [of a particular type of smile]  Its advantage is that men can interpret it however they want; you can imagine how often I've relied on it.   (source)
  • Holding nothing in reserve, Eragon drove Vanir to the center of the field, jabbing and slashing like a madman-determined to hurt the elf however he could.   (source)
  • Eager to lighten her burden however he could, Eragon glanced about the ground nearest him and then murmured so softly as to be inaudible, "Loivissa."   (source)
  • As chief of the religious clan, the Quan, and the high priest of Guntera, king of the dwarf gods, Gannel carried enormous influence among his race; however he chose, so the crown was likely to go.   (source)
  • I had to fight back; I had to show him that he hadn't broken me, and I wanted to hurt him however I could.   (source)
  • If you cannot bring yourself to respect my station and to accept a fair division of responsibility, as two allies ought to, then it is my opinion that you are unfit to command a coalition such as ours, and I shall set myself against you however I may.   (source)
  • Some wanted revenge for old hurts; others believed that, by virtue of our power, dragons and Riders deserved to rule over the whole of Alagaesia; and others, I am afraid to say, simply enjoyed the chance to tear down what was and indulge themselves however they wanted.   (source)
  • The poor man was terrified at this, and asked however he could escape.   (source)
    however = how
  • But, he thought, assume for a moment that "having," however it is defined, might be the crux of the problem.   (source)
    however = in whatever way
  • [*] It's only a chance that I am here…. however I'll do what I can.   (source)
  • However that might be, she was unmanageable.   (source)
  • And however she came to risk taking such a beautiful creature into her house as a governess.   (source)
  • They forgot that the frightened face and the figure could not be altered, and that however they might change the setting and adornment of that face, it would still remain piteous and plain.   (source)
  • However I might have expressed my comprehension of it at that time, if I had been called upon, I nevertheless did clearly comprehend in my own way, that it was another name for tyranny; and for a certain gloomy, arrogant, devil's humour, that was in them both.   (source)
  • When Nicholas began, Arthur Gride's impression was, that Ralph Nickleby had betrayed him; but, as he proceeded, he felt convinced that however he had come by the knowledge he possessed, the part he acted was a genuine one, and that with Ralph he had no concern.   (source)
  • "Because, dear me! a person's thoughts," Mrs Tickit said this with an argumentative and philosophic air, "however they may stray, will go more or less on what is uppermost in their minds."   (source)
  • Twere better we should not be seen together; those guides are nothing but spies, and might possibly recognize you; and, however I may be honored by your friendship, my worthy friend, if once the extent of our intimacy were known, I am sadly afraid both my reputation and credit would suffer thereby.   (source)
  • In her behavior to her mother Natasha seemed rough, but she was so sensitive and tactful that however she clasped her mother she always managed to do it without hurting her or making her feel uncomfortable or displeased.   (source)
  • But, however I screw up my eyes and strain my sight, I cannot see it not round and not bounded, and in spite of my knowing about infinite space, I am incontestably right when I see a solid blue dome, and more right than when I strain my eyes to see beyond it.   (source)
  • However she seemed to have a short cut for getting back to cheerfulness, and set her face to signify archness.   (source)
  • But much as all the rest laughed, talked, and joked, much as they enjoyed their Rhine wine, saute, and ices, and however they avoided looking at the young couple, and heedless and unobservant as they seemed of them, one could feel by the occasional glances they gave that the story about Sergey Kuzmich, the laughter, and the food were all a pretense, and that the whole attention of that company was directed to—Pierre and Helene.   (source)
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