All 4 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- At the first glance it was apparent that he had had a great deal to drink and, though no amount of liquor made Razumihin quite drunk, this time he was perceptibly affected by it.†
Chpt 2.7perceptibly = in a manner that is capable of being noticed
- Again it became suddenly plain and perceptible to him that he had just told a fearful lie—that he would never now be able to speak freely of everything—that he would never again be able to speak of anything to anyone.†
Chpt 3.3perceptible = capable of being noticed
- "But we know all who had pledges, and you are the only one who hasn't come forward," Porfiry answered with hardly perceptible irony.†
Chpt 3.5 *
- "Is it still a dream?" he wondered and again raised his eyelids hardly perceptibly; the stranger was standing in the same place, still watching him.†
Chpt 3.6perceptibly = in a manner that is capable of being noticed
capable of being noticed -- typically because it is different enough or large enough