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  • The room begins to darken perceptibly now.   (source)
    perceptibly = in a manner that is capable of being noticed
  • It was subtle but perceptible, and more pronounced with words that began with t.†   (source)
    perceptible = capable of being noticed
  • There is no possibility that any perceptible change will happen within our own lifetime.   (source)
  • But in the song there was a secret little inner song, hardly perceptible, but always there, sweet and secret and clinging, almost hiding in the counter-melody, and this was the Song of the Pearl That Might Be, for every shell thrown in the basket might contain a pearl.   (source)
  • There was a faint, barely perceptible movement of the water as the fresh flow from one end urged its way toward the drain at the other. with little ripples that were hardly the shadows of waves, the laden mattress moved irregularly down the pool.   (source)
    perceptible = capable of being seen
  • The jerks perceptibly diminished; as the sled gained momentum, he caught them up, till it was moving steadily along.   (source)
    perceptibly = noticeably
  • Lucy's heart beat a trifle more audibly to the stethoscope, and her lungs had a perceptible movement.   (source)
    perceptible = noticeable
  • By and by, out of the stillness, little, scarcely perceptible noises began to emphasize themselves.   (source)
  • A book lay spread on the sill before her, and the scarcely perceptible wind fluttered its leaves at intervals.   (source)
  • I indeed perceptibly gained on it, and when, after nearly two days' journey, I beheld my enemy at no more than a mile distant, my heart bounded within me.   (source)
    perceptibly = noticeably
  • I can remember no symptom of affection on either side; and had anything of the kind been perceptible, you must be aware that ours is not a family on which it could be thrown away.   (source)
    perceptible = capable of being noticed
  • The visor drew the OASIS directly onto my retinas, at the highest frame rate and resolution perceptible to the human eye.†   (source)
  • An elderly, preternaturally tanned man—the mayor, somebody explainswaits with a white handkerchief in his big sailor's hands, a barely perceptible shake showing in his wrists.†   (source)
  • The accused man, Kabuo Miyamoto, leaned to his right and nodded just perceptibly while Nels Gudmundsson spoke into his ear.†   (source)
  • The atmosphere around the table changed perceptibly.†   (source)
  • Even on stealth-sensitive radar he would be no more than a barely perceptible distortion.†   (source)
  • And without warning, with no perceptible change in mood, Rufus turned slightly and trained his rifle on us.†   (source)
  • I watched as his golden eyes grew perceptibly darker day by day.†   (source)
  • He just looked at her with his sad eyes, then, barely perceptibly, he nodded.†   (source)
  • When Bast finally turned from the bar, Chronicler's eyes widened perceptibly, and the color drained from his already pale face.†   (source)
  • Zakariyya looked to the ground and nodded, the corners of his mouth turning up into a barely perceptible smile.†   (source)
  • He treats us to "a singularly dreary tract of country," to "a few rank sedges" and "white trunks of decayed trees," to "the precipitous brink of a black and lurid tarn," so that we're ready for the "bleak walls" of the house with its "vacant eye-like windows" and its "barely perceptible fissure" zigzagging its way down the wall right down to "the sullen waters of the tarn."†   (source)
  • On 11 August the nervous tension in the building rose perceptibly.†   (source)
  • There was a barely perceptible hiss and a needle-tipped dart punched right through the metal coin, impaling it in midair and pinning it to the opposite wall.†   (source)
  • Inspector Supervisor Skaaiat's eyes narrowed slightly at my tone of voice, muscles tensing just perceptibly around her mouth.†   (source)
  • There was a barely perceptible smile on her lips.†   (source)
  • His shoulders drooped perceptibly.†   (source)
  • What no member of the family ever knew was that the strangers did not take long to realize that Remedios the Beauty gave off a breath of perturbation, a tormenting breeze that was still perceptible several hours after she had passed by.†   (source)
  • The draft of air at their backs carried a sensation of moisture clearly perceptible to both Jessica and Paul.†   (source)
  • The first omen of her death was perceptible only to her.†   (source)
  • Are you saying the printout shows the first ambiguous signs of a barely perceptible condition deriving from minimal acceptable spillage exposure?†   (source)
  • It had first spread through the block like a sour odor that's only faintly perceptible and easily ignored until it starts growing in strength from the dozen mouths it had been lying in, among clammy gums and scum-coated teeth.†   (source)
  • The engines slowed perceptibly and the nose of the airplane dipped unusually low, producing a steep, quick descent.†   (source)
  • THERE WAS A PERCEPTIBLE QUICKENING of activity at the big gray house that served as headquarters.†   (source)
  • A hardly perceptible shiver ran through the stem and up into the branches; the leaves rustled and whispered, but with a sound now of faint and far-off laughter.†   (source)
  • The best he could do was to give a barely perceptible shake of his head as if he were dealing with a common inconvenience like hay fever or nearsightedness.†   (source)
  • But watching the movement of the water against his hand he noted that it was perceptibly slower.†   (source)
  • He raised it perhaps two inches, no more than that, the movement barely perceptible.†   (source)
  • I expect the weight of the blade to pull against me, but it's barely perceptible as it slides into the scabbard.†   (source)
  • Gazzy touched the back of Iggy's hand, and Iggy concentrated on what was echoing barely perceptibly around him.†   (source)
  • His glance paused on Dagny, a pause perceptible only to her, as if he were saying: It works.†   (source)
  • Like whistling softly in class so that it got on the teacher's nerves, a barely perceptible whistle that could drive a teacher up the wall.†   (source)
  • With the barely perceptible motion of a falling tree, the verbeeg slid back from the scimitar.†   (source)
  • The windows in the passenger car were actually made of crystal, which was heavy, clear, and thick, with a barely perceptible tinge of purple, and the rock faces that could be seen through it came out sharp and in bright detail.†   (source)
  • I tried to make contact with her, and, though she did not understand, there was a perceptible check and a trace of puzzlement for some seconds.†   (source)
  • Zooey perceptibly smiled, went on for a few seconds with his combing, then suddenly turned.†   (source)
  • In her best, rose-colored dress — this combined a mandarin collar with a circle skirt — she also looked perceptibly pregnant.†   (source)
  • Mikhail and Yaakov secured Nabil Awad to one of the chairs with duct tape, and on Fareed Bakarat's signal, a barely perceptible nod of his regal head, they removed the hood.†   (source)
  • The days were getting shorter, the nights were perceptibly cooler, the year was turning toward the Christmas season and the long holiday which the entire countryside would celebrate—both the masters and the slaves.†   (source)
  • There had hung the sense of buffering, insulation, she had noticed the absence of an intensity, as if watching a movie, just perceptibly out of focus, that the projectionist refused to fix.†   (source)
  • Perceptibly the light dimmed through the windows and the candles grew brighter.†   (source)
  • And it was with a peculiarly ambiguous effort, following a barely perceptible decision, that I twitched the fingers of my left hand sufficiently to bring them into the flame itself.†   (source)
  • Finding it gave him a just barely perceptible touch of comfort.†   (source)
  • There had not been any perceptible change in him for the last five years, but she had the sense that she might be cheated out of her triumph because she so often was.†   (source)
  • Only one white family actively participates in island life to any perceptible degree.†   (source)
  • But he saw only details: two great eyes, and a broad, low forehead, and the triangle of his nose, and his enormous mouth, and the barely perceptible cleft in his chin, which was, his father said, the mark of the Devil's little finger.†   (source)
  • Jinny Love had begun building a sand castle over her foot In the sky clouds moved no more perceptibly than grazing animals.†   (source)
  • In the ragged hedge on the opposite side the boughs of the elm trees swayed just perceptibly in the breeze, and their leaves stirred faintly in dense masses like women's hair.   (source)
    perceptibly = in a manner that is capable of being noticed
  • "I never loved him," she said, with perceptible reluctance.   (source)
    perceptible = noticeable
  • Tom looked up in her face with just a perceptible twinkle peeping through his gravity.   (source)
  • Injun Joe gave a barely perceptible start.   (source)
  • The spark, however, was perceptible.   (source)
    perceptible = capable of being noticed
  • Her face, above a spotted dress of dark blue crepe-de-chine, contained no facet or gleam of beauty, but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually smouldering.   (source)
    perceptible = noticeable
  • For a time the girl refused to notice; but her human curiosity presently began to manifest itself by hardly perceptible signs.   (source)
  • My father observed with pain the alteration perceptible in my disposition and habits and endeavoured by arguments deduced from the feelings of his serene conscience and guiltless life to inspire me with fortitude and awaken in me the courage to dispel the dark cloud which brooded over me.   (source)
  • I expected a perceptible difference, but here you are, red-faced just like always.†   (source)
  • At the same moment the stirring of the air became perceptible to them; and it grew very cold.†   (source)
  • They were only perceptible at first as the light is in the sky before the moon rises.†   (source)
  • I don't know, Bessie," Zooey answered, after a perceptible hesitation.†   (source)
  • And from that day on there was a perceptible change in her attitude toward Moody.†   (source)
  • The barely perceptible breeze rippled her dress like the waters of a small lake.†   (source)
  • He then picked up the phone without any perceptible hesitation and dialled a local number.†   (source)
  • But as she neared my vantage point, she glanced up and gave a barely perceptible nod of her head.†   (source)
  • They started with no perceptible motion, but her hat blew off.†   (source)
  • Her eyes narrowed just perceptibly, and a hint of the smile returned, ironic this time.†   (source)
  • "No," she said, with a certain perceptible degree of finality in her tone.†   (source)
  • School was winding down, and, for the senior class especially, there was a perceptible thrill in the air.†   (source)
  • Instead of taking us through the front of the offices, Inspector Supervisor Skaaiat led us through a back corridor, through a door that opened at no perceptible cue from her—Station, that would be, the AI that ran this place, was this place, paying close attention to the inspector supervisor of its docks.†   (source)
  • The body—despite the two hours it had spent in transport from White Sand Bay to the dock east of'the ferry terminal and from there in the back of Abel Martinson's truck up First Hill and into the alley behind the courthouse (where the morgue and the coroner's office could be found beyond a set of double doors that gave onto the courthouse basement)—had not thawed perceptibly, Horace noted.†   (source)
  • He would get up at five in the morning after a light sleep, have his eternal mug of bitter coffee in the kitchen, shut himself up all day in the workshop, and at four in the afternoon he would go along the porch dragging a stool, not even noticing the fire of the rose bushes or the brightness of the hour or the persistence of Amaranta, whose melancholy made the noise of a boiling pot, which was perfectly perceptible at dusk, and he would sit in the street door as long as the mosquitoes would allow him to.†   (source)
  • The residence of Arilesperas Strigan was barely visible from the air, only a circle slightly more than thirty-five meters in diameter, within which the snowmoss was perceptibly lighter and thinner.†   (source)
  • ...Another burst and the same voice continued, louder, even more authoritative, as the crowd momentarily but perceptibly quieted down, only to suddenly resume screaming at full volume.†   (source)
  • People were scarfing down the delicacies with abandon, though the despair was still perceptible in the slump of their shoulders, in the absence of smiles or laughter.†   (source)
  • But Jackie Gleason on the screen made the place more plausible—he drew her toward a perceptible center.†   (source)
  • There was a barely perceptible pause.†   (source)
  • It seemed to Simon—the first to admit that he was not that observant about these things—that despite the joking around in the car, a perceptible distance had come between Magnus and Alec recently, one he couldn't quite put a finger on, but he knew it was there.†   (source)
  • Before long there came the sound of hoofs, at first hardly more than a tremor of the ground perceptible only to Aragorn as he lay upon the grass, then growing steadily louder and clearer to a quick beat.†   (source)
  • Things perceptible to the senses.†   (source)
  • He said quietly, "Dagny, for your own sake, and"—it was a barely perceptible hesitation—"and in the name of any pity you might feel for me, don't request what you're going to request.†   (source)
  • The heavy, warm pressure of the atmosphere was perceptible even to my weak human senses, and it hinted at something major in the storm department.†   (source)
  • As Alessandro's eyes filled with the distant webs of enraged light, the corners of his mouth showed a barely perceptible smile.†   (source)
  • She raised her head a little, there was no perceptible change in her posture, it was no more than her awareness of her own body and of its meaning to him, but for the length of one sentence she stood as a woman, the suggestion of defiance coming only from the faintly stressed spacing of her words: "And what will it do to you?"†   (source)
  • Hardly perceptibly his head moved to the left and the right, and first one eye and then the other opened a slit.†   (source)
  • Matt studied his brother's face, perceptibly moving his lips to Nick's account, anticipating a word, changing expression when Nick did.†   (source)
  • A few days before, as Ariane had taken off her dress, Alessandro had watched the rising and falling of her chest, the movement of the rib cage barely perceptible under the skin, and the changes in color that accompanied the steady sound of her breathing.†   (source)
  • There were rumors that the output of the Danagger Coal Company had fallen perceptibly within one month; the newspapers said that it was merely a matter of readjustment while Danagger's cousin was reorganizing the company he had taken over.†   (source)
  • Several hours after dusk he stopped at the end of the meadows, in a place where the glacier was so close that he could feel the rivers of cold air that flowed from it and carried its sounds-the muffled sound of a locked wheel skidding on a steel rail, diunder-like cracks, a barely perceptible rumble, as if from a giant piece of furniture being pulled slowly across a rough floor.†   (source)
  • She remembered that as she mounted the stairs with John's heavy weight in her arms, and as she entered the door, she heard music, which became perceptibly fainter as Florence closed the door behind her.†   (source)
  • As Sally Poker, who was near the end, crossed, she glanced at the General and saw him sitting fixed and fierce, his eyes wide open, and she turned her head forward again and held it a perceptible degree higher and received her scroll.†   (source)
  • Since I had never entered any community where strangers were greeted as affably as old friends, this information did not disturb me to any perceptible degree.†   (source)
  • The Professor stood to the left of the wheelchair, shrunken head bowed, just perceptibly shaking with palsy.†   (source)
  • The hardening of his voice was barely perceptible.†   (source)
  • She was a pretty, dark-haired woman, and appeared perceptibly nervous.†   (source)
  • FRANCIE (After a barely perceptible pause.)†   (source)
  • of which we all hoped for, had no doubt of) as the man he would be and the economic power he would represent when his mother passed on, was rooted; and he listening behind that expression, saying, 'Then you don't recommend the law as a vocation?' and now for just a moment the lawyer would stop, but not long; maybe not long enough or perceptible enough for you to call it pause: and he would be looking at Bon too: 'It hadn't occurred to me that the law might appeal to you' and Bon: 'Neither did practising with a rapier appeal to me while I was doing it.†   (source)
  • His shoulders above the water were smooth and brown, shiny with the wet, and when he moved the muscles in his arms made a barely perceptible ripple.†   (source)
  • But his eyes were lively, and the yellow spark in them was often most perceptible when he was quite silent.†   (source)
  • In the early days when I looked on Lois as merely the luscious machine, I had allowed certain scarcely perceptible changes to be made in my appearance.†   (source)
  • What with the chorus, and the spinning water and the just perceptible murmur of the breeze we are slipping away.†   (source)
  • "Well, darling, I've collected your chum," she said, again with a barely perceptible note of contempt.†   (source)
  • Out of their caves the horrible dwarf-creatures of the arid, bitter earth will venture; and very very gradually there will be perceptible a slight improvement in their morals, health, beauty, and stature; until presently they will be living in a world such as the one we know today.†   (source)
  • Often the attachment is scarcely perceptible; Shakespeare's plays, for instance, seem to hang there complete by themselves.†   (source)
  • When it came to Sebastian he said: "I'll have whisky, please," and I saw Wilcox glance over his head to Lady Marchmain and saw her give a tiny, hardly perceptible nod.†   (source)
  • I knew what she meant, and in that moment felt as though I had shaken off some of the dust and grit of ten dry years; then and always, however she spoke to me, in half sentences, single words, stock phrases of contemporary jargon, in scarcely perceptible movements of eyes or lips or hands, however inexpressible her thought, however quick and far it had glanced from the matter in hand, however deep it had plunged, as it often did, straight from the surface to the depths, I knew; even that day when I still stood on the extreme verge of love, I knew what she meant.†   (source)
  • He examined the charge sheets, spoke affably to the men who had made the arrest; with the slightest perceptible nuance he opened the way for bribery and quickly covered it when he saw that things had now lasted too long and the knowledge had been too widely shared; he undertook to deliver us at the magistrate's court at ten next morning, and then led us away.†   (source)
  • The baronet's face perceptibly lengthened.†   (source)
  • He pointed to the light in the sky—hardly perceptible to their older eyes.†   (source)
  • It was only round the edge of the common that any disturbance was perceptible.†   (source)
  • Not that THEY added perceptibly to the noise of the party.†   (source)
  • Miss Wilcox had changed perceptibly since her engagement.†   (source)
  • Selden's perceptible pause gave her time for a slight stir of surprise.†   (source)
  • They were not talking (perceptibly) as they stood side by side by the yellow curtains.†   (source)
  • Not the slightest movement was perceptible, not the faintest breathing could be heard.†   (source)
  • A low rushing sound became perceptible, and it grew louder, became a roar.†   (source)
  • He said with a perceptible tartness: "Oh, I suppose it's President Wilson.†   (source)
  • There was a perceptible current out in the river, and it hindered straight advancement.†   (source)
  • There was absolutely not a perceptible sound.†   (source)
  • Miss Bart received this explanation without perceptible softening.†   (source)
  • Longstreth gave a slight start, barely perceptible, like the switch of an awakening tiger.†   (source)
  • Uneven ground offered no perceptible obstacle to his running.†   (source)
  • The delay did not perceptibly weaken her resolve.†   (source)
  • When he made this turn Madeline observed that the sun had perceptibly begun its slant westward.†   (source)
  • Mr. Casaubon winced perceptibly, but bowed.†   (source)
  • By centre and skin, if there is any perceptible difference; otherwise the double shot must follow.†   (source)
  • It was five miles from us and formed no more than a dark, barely perceptible mass.†   (source)
  • His voice had a genuine pathos now, and his large brown hands perceptibly trembled.†   (source)
  • Nicholas shrugged his shoulders in a manner that was scarcely perceptible, and said he saw it was.†   (source)
  • Bazarov's thin lips moved just perceptibly, though he made no reply, but merely took off his cap.†   (source)
  • Mrs Warren pretends to laugh, but looks after him with perceptible concern.†   (source)
  • "Then what on earth is your meaning, Mr. Lorry?" demanded Stryver, perceptibly crestfallen.†   (source)
  • The influence of money began to be perceptible in State affairs.†   (source)
  • Stepan Arkadyevitch gave a scarcely perceptible smile.†   (source)
  • Then the curtain moved more perceptibly, and the woman in the bed put it back, and sat up.†   (source)
  • The bottle was emptying perceptibly and rising still higher and his head tilting yet further back.†   (source)
  • But what mainly disturbed me was the idea that had perceptibly descended.†   (source)
  • The slope of this gallery was scarcely perceptible, and its sections very unequal.†   (source)
  • He observed the manoeuvring with a perceptible brightening of the eyes.†   (source)
  • The figure perceptibly gave up its fixity, shifted a step or two, and turned round.†   (source)
  • Henchard returned him a scarcely perceptible nod, and Jopp stopped.†   (source)
  • The peppery odor of the carnations was perceptible.†   (source)
  • "I am afraid of Rome," she answered, with a perceptible tremor of the voice.†   (source)
  • The road was now not ascending, at least not perceptibly.†   (source)
  • Something like a smile was perceptible on Madame de Villefort's countenance.†   (source)
  • A quite perceptible smile glimmered on Mrs. Bird's face, as she answered, "We'll see."†   (source)
  • 'I am very much obliged to you, ma'am,' said Ralph with a scarcely perceptible sneer.†   (source)
  • Whatever — whoever you are — be perceptible to the touch or I cannot live!†   (source)
  • Then his tongue no longer articulated any perceptible sound; but his lips still moved.†   (source)
  • This is extremely perceptible in the United States.†   (source)
  • Vronsky gave a hardly perceptible shrug.†   (source)
  • To those on board the ship the movement of those waves will be the only perceptible motion.†   (source)
  • Madame Merle perceptibly flushed, but we know it was not her habit to retract.†   (source)
  • The woman paled slightly, but quite perceptibly, and the man looked flustered and irresolute.†   (source)
  • No light, sound, or movement was perceptible there.†   (source)
  • Anna gave a just perceptible smile, but made no answer.†   (source)
  • Andrea turned pale, but as it was dark his pallor was not perceptible.†   (source)
  • An indescribable constraint, weariness, and humiliation were perceptible beneath this hardihood.†   (source)
  • Am I not right, good Christians?" said the tall youth, with a scarcely perceptible smile.†   (source)
  • The lawyer's overhanging reddish mustaches were parted in a scarcely perceptible smile.†   (source)
  • There is a poison which destroys life almost without leaving any perceptible traces.†   (source)
  • No singularity was lacking to this still subterranean crisis, which was already perceptible.†   (source)
  • The night was dark and damp, a scarcely perceptible moisture was descending from above.†   (source)
  • Do you always see them off?" said Sergey Ivanovitch with a hardly perceptible smile.†   (source)
  • The pressure made him wince just perceptibly.†   (source)
  • However, nothing of all this was perceptible to Cosette.†   (source)
  • A mysterious frown becomes perceptible in the depths of the heavens.†   (source)
  • One of his legs twitches just perceptibly, but rapidly.†   (source)
  • His almost squalid attire was not perceptible in the obscurity caused by the shade.†   (source)
  • As he lay there he could hear Mattie moving about in her room, and her candle, sending its small ray across the landing, drew a scarcely perceptible line of light under his door.†   (source)
  • It was a pity that I needed once more to describe the portentous little activity by which she sought to divert my attention—the perceptible increase of movement, the greater intensity of play, the singing, the gabbling of nonsense, and the invitation to romp.†   (source)
  • She has changed perceptibly—she is a trifle thinner for one thing; the light in her eyes is not so bright; she looks easily a year older.†   (source)
  • With no perceptible trace of the vainglorious about him, rather with the off-hand unaffectedness of natural regality, he seemed to accept the spontaneous homage of his shipmates.†   (source)
  • She wondered if the cold had anything to do with the perceptible diminishing of the sound of the waterfall.†   (source)
  • His voice grew perceptibly weaker.†   (source)
  • He felt the confused titillation with which the lower organisms welcome the gratification of their needs, and all his senses floundered in a vague well-being, through which Miss Bart's personality was dimly but pleasantly perceptible.†   (source)
  • Under the beholder's gaze, a barely perceptible shiver of sensitivity seemed to pass over this naked flesh—or to put it more boldly, you could imagine that you saw perspiration, the invisible vapors of life, rising from the flesh, that if you were to press your lips against the surface, you would smell a human body, not paint and varnish.†   (source)
  • Mr. Jackson had helped himself to a slice of the tepid filet which the mournful butler had handed him with a look as sceptical as his own, and had rejected the mushroom sauce after a scarcely perceptible sniff.†   (source)
  • She made a violent effort to control herself, and turning her tear-stained face to him, she once more held out her hand, which he kissed with the same punctilious gallantry; but Marguerite's fingers, this time, lingered in his hand for a second or two longer than was absolutely necessary, and this was because she had felt that his hand trembled perceptibly and was burning hot, whilst his lips felt as cold as marble.†   (source)
  • There was such an ingratiating tone about Hurstwood's voice, the insinuation was so perceptible that even Carrie got the humor of it.†   (source)
  • His eyes were closed, but the lids slightly lifted in an effort to look at them as they bent over him, and the tail was perceptibly agitated in a vain effort to wag.†   (source)
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