All 15 Uses of
Crime and Punishment, by Dostoyevsky
- But why, he was always asking himself, why had such an important, such a decisive and at the same time such an absolutely chance meeting happened in the Hay Market (where he had moreover no reason to go) at the very hour, the very minute of his life when he was just in the very mood and in the very circumstances in which that meeting was able to exert the gravest and most decisive influence on his whole destiny?†
Chpt 1.5gravest = most important or most serious
- And yet he had a very grave problem before him, to put it back and to escape observation as far as possible in doing so.
Chpt 1.7 *grave = serious and solemn
- I was confirmed in that belief by the testimony of my own eyes in the lodging of a drunken man who was run over and has since died, to whose daughter, a young woman of notorious behaviour, he gave twenty-five roubles on the pretext of the funeral, which gravely surprised me knowing what pains you were at to raise that sum.†
Chpt 3.2gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
- "Listen, Dounia," he began, gravely and drily, "of course I beg your pardon for yesterday, but I consider it my duty to tell you again that I do not withdraw from my chief point.†
Chpt 3.3
- Dounia gazed gravely and intently into the poor girl's face, and scrutinised her with perplexity.†
Chpt 3.4
- Near his grandmother's grave, which was marked by a stone, was the little grave of his younger brother who had died at six months old.†
Chpt 1.5
- Near his grandmother's grave, which was marked by a stone, was the little grave of his younger brother who had died at six months old.†
Chpt 1.5
- He did not remember him at all, but he had been told about his little brother, and whenever he visited the graveyard he used religiously and reverently to cross himself and to bow down and kiss the little grave.†
Chpt 1.5
- "There must have been very grave grounds for it, if he is so furious at the word," Porfiry laughed.†
Chpt 3.5
- "Well, strictly speaking, it did," Porfiry observed with noteworthy gravity; "a crime of that nature may be very well ascribed to the influence of environment."†
Chpt 3.5
- "Very good, tell me your little notion," Raskolnikov stood waiting, pale and grave before him.†
Chpt 3.5
- In the passage the idea had occurred to him to keep on his overcoat and walk away, and so give the two ladies a sharp and emphatic lesson and make them feel the gravity of the position.†
Chpt 4.2
- But as your brother cannot speak openly in my presence of some proposals of Mr. Svidrigailov, I, too, do not desire and am not able to speak the presence of others... of certain matters of the greatest gravity.†
Chpt 4.2
- Jesus therefore again groaning in Himself cometh to the grave.†
Chpt 4.4
- When your father was living and we were poor, you comforted us simply by being with us and when I buried your father, how often we wept together at his grave and embraced, as now.†
Chpt 6.7
(grave as in: Her manner was grave.) serious and/or solemnThe exact meaning of this sense of grave can depend upon its context. For example:
- "This is a grave problem," or "a situation of the utmost gravity." -- important, dangerous, or causing worry
- "She was in a grave mood upon returning from the funeral." -- sad or solemn
- "She looked me in the eye and gravely promised." -- in a sincere and serious manner
(meaning too common or rare to warrant focus) Better known meanings of grave and gravity:
- grave -- a place where a dead body is buried
- gravity -- in the sense of physics to refer to the force of attraction between all masses in the universe--especially the force that causes things to fall toward the earth
- death -- as in "A message from beyond the grave."
- describing a color as dark
- to sculpt with a chisel
- to clean and coat the bottom of a wooden ship with pitch
- grave accent -- a punctuation mark (`) that is used in some non-English languages, and that is placed over some letters of the alphabet to tell how they are pronounced.
- grave musical direction -- in a slow and solemn manner