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grave as in:  Her manner was grave.

show 189 more with this conextual meaning
  • The Giver looked at him gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • Dr. Cruz smiled and shook the little girl's hand gravely.   (source)
  • one of his servants was gravely ill,   (source)
    gravely = seriously
  • Roy's mother looked gravely at Roy's father, then fixed her gaze upon the policeman.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • The room became gravely silent. Everyone knew that Little Man was in big trouble for no one, but no one, ever called Little Man "Clayton Chester" unless she or he meant serious business.   (source)
    gravely = seriously (to a very noticeable degree)
  • One policeman is said to be in grave danger from concussion, having been struck on the head by a brick.   (source)
    grave = serious
  • His expression was grave.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • Four gives her a grave look.   (source)
  • "God—or idols," intoned the imam gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • How do people choose their final words? Do they realize their gravity?   (source)
    gravity = importance (weightiness)
  • But after several months of caring for him at home, the victim's wife apparently abandoned him and he became gravely ill.   (source)
    gravely = seriously
  • He turned to Alby then, and looked at him gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • He disobeyed my orders and made a grave mistake that has put our entire mission at risk.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "Probably," he said with a grave nod.   (source)
  • Then, always sooner rather than later, she would see a small, grave face and grey eyes staring up at her from beneath a mop of mouse-colored hair, and then Bod and she would play—hide-and-seek, sometimes, or climbing things, or being quiet and watching the rabbits behind the old chapel.   (source)
  • My mother's eyes gleamed with excitement, but she still gave Dad a grave look.   (source)
  • Mrs Which's voice was grave.   (source)
  • And everyone, he said, giving them each a grave look, should behave as if he carries the real thing.   (source)
  • She lived in town, a stout, grave woman with a slight Teutonic edge to her speech, over Lottie Opsvig's apparel shop on Main.   (source)
  • "I'm afraid that won't work," Dr. Lucafont said gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • So far, things were utterly dull: nobody had thundered, there were no arguments between opposing counsel, there was no drama; a grave disappointment to all present, it seemed.   (source)
    grave = serious
  • Sending other men to do his office …. some might construe that as a grave insult.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "Never mind about that," said Brinker with his face responsibly grave.   (source)
  • But her voice is grave.   (source)
  • From behind the desk a grave-faced girl in a business suit gave me my key and told me that the old library had been booked for the exclusive use of our party.   (source)
  • It was only on his fourth trip that he had found Ekwefi, and by then he had become gravely worried.   (source)
    gravely = seriously
  • "Deep in you, you think he know, he done grasped the significance of what it's all about? Deep in you?"
    "The significance?"
    "The gravity."   (source)
    gravity = importance (weightiness)
  • She nodded gravely. “He was in a lot of pain, and he still kept going. I don't like thinking about it.”   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • He says impurity is so grave a sin the Virgin Mary turns her face away and weeps.   (source)
    grave = serious
  • More grave nodding; they knew about nightmares.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "Hail, Piper McLean," Chiron announced gravely, as if he were speaking at her funeral.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • Danforth is a grave man in his sixties, of some humor and sophistication that do not, however, interfere with an exact loyalty to his position and his cause.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "A true witch will always float. The innocent ones just sink like a stone." He was obviously paying her back for the morning's humiliation. But she was surprised to see that John Holbrook was not at all amused. His solemn young face was even more grave than before.   (source)
  • ...and they saluted him gravely, like gladiators greeting Caesar before they died for his entertainment.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • The news was delivered by a young policeman who wore a grave expression and carried his helmet in his hands.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • But this grave little whimpering bird is out of a sorrowing nest. ... She has been through a lot, Gitl.   (source)
    grave = sad ("with a heavy heart")
  • I roused the five of you because we are all in grave danger.   (source)
    grave = serious (important)
  • "I hate them all, just by name," said Amy, a grave judge of anything trendy.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "If you're gonna change your mind," Hallorann said, bending over him gravely, "you better do it quick."   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • "He's not a burglar," replied Mo, but as he stepped back from the window his face was so grave that Meggie's heart thudded faster than ever.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • But they greeted me with grave courtesy, murmuring what they had to offer as we shook hands.   (source)
  • "Son," he said, in a grave tone.   (source)
  • It would be a grave error for you, for anyone in this town, really, to pursue this matter.   (source)
  • To deny these rights is a grave offense against God, against the dignity of man.   (source)
  • But Mr. Axelroot provides a grave temptation, as he is such an abominable curiosity.   (source)
  • This situation is at the least unsettling, and at the most a grave and wholly unwarranted provocation.   (source)
  • To bring this suffering on another, and to condemn to death all those men and women whom that vampire must subsequently kill! I broke a grave promise.   (source)
  • He suffered a grave defeat, and he hardly seemed—seems—the type of man to suffer defeat gracefully.   (source)
  • I think Harriet alive represented a grave threat to someone, that she was going to tell Henrik something, and that the murderer knew she was about to…well, spill the beans.   (source)
  • Doctor Quinn sat down on the edge of my bed with a grave face.   (source)
  • Dad nodded, once, gravely, and then nodded at the carousel, and stepped up on it, and touched a brass pole.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • She felt herself the victim of a grave injustice, but her reaction was not vindictive.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • More than once he fell asleep and woke up to find Nilda out, shopping for medicinal teas, and Milagros over him, a grave owl in her large glasses.   (source)
  • The early twentieth century had trusts, but it also had "trustbusters," progressive government officials who believed that concentrated economic power posed a grave threat to American democracy.   (source)
  • It was a grave declaration, and I knew it.   (source)
  • Obasan moves her head slowly and gravely in a nod as she listens.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • And then, speaking gravely and elegantly into the telephone, I ask...   (source)
  • The judge nodded gravely.   (source)
  • Lorena looked more beautiful than ever, but it was a grave beauty since news of the death had come.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • Overcrowding was becoming a grave problem, and this despite the fact that many of the does were re-absorbing their litters before birth.   (source)
  • There in the toilet water he saw a grave black face.   (source)
  • But very quickly they all became grave again: for, as you know, there is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious.   (source)
    grave = serious
  • It was a grave insult, but Cooper merely stood quietly, his hands clasped before him.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "The thaw has been so grave that I've trembled for the consequences, for without snow my very important charge cannot get along."   (source)
  • I may be committing a very grave error.   (source)
  • You were in gravest peril while you wore the Ring,   (source)
    gravest = most serious
  • Ordinarily, the cleric carried himself with a grave dignity and released words with the same measured regularity with which he fingered his tasbih, or string of prayer beads.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • Maybe he was making a grave mistake, but he didn't think he was.   (source)
  • She turned to me with a grave smile.   (source)
  • I'll be away for a while, visiting a place where a grave error was made.   (source)
  • Certainly not on world peace or the search for meaning in an increasingly distracted world or anything as grave and serious as all that, but on a belief just as true.   (source)
  • Eugenides laughed outright, and Agape's grave expression gave way to a smile.   (source)
  • I don't believe he ever was a first-rate scientist-but what a priceless valet of science! I know that he has been facing a grave problem lately.   (source)
  • I wasn't sure why this was such a bad thing, but from the look on Uncle Press's face, I had made a grave mistake.   (source)
  • This time, though, the halfling's business was so grave that it dampened even his ever-lifted spirits.   (source)
  • Mr. Miller makes the grave error of smiling at Mrs. Nightwing in a charming way.   (source)
  • It's a grave reaction.   (source)
  • Both lancers and swordsmen always had a grave expression, as if they were not entirely sure that they could stay on their horses, and their armament seemed purely ceremonial.   (source)
  • Lewis Powell, starved and famished after three days of sleeping in the woods, instantly realizes he has made a grave error.   (source)
  • General Pickett is gravely concerned, sir.   (source)
    gravely = very seriously (severely)
  • We made a grave mistake and didn't pay our debts as a country as we moved forward.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate.   (source)
    gravely = seriously
  • The PLAYER's grave face does not change.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • A tentative list of the material requirements for this assignment lay on the conference table, surrounded by many grave countenances.   (source)
  • Beginning 10 years ago, the Soviets challenged the Western alliance with a grave new threat, hundreds of new and more deadly SS-20 nuclear missiles, capable of striking every capital in Europe.   (source)
  • "This bear did not die of a bullet," one of the Indians told him gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • His brown eyes lost some of their gravity.   (source)
    gravity = seriousness
  • Walking underneath the trees, I began seriously to wonder if I had not made a grave mistake in coming to Brooklyn.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • And for every person who has signed, there are many who feel grave doubts about the wisdom, not to mention the rightness of this Federation plan.   (source)
    grave = serious (important)
  • You are faced with a grave responsibility.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "It's a grave indignity, having to sit on your hands," the Sunlight Man said.   (source)
  • The straight chair against the wall looked stiff and attentive as if it were awaiting an order and Mr. Head's trousers, hanging to the back of it, had an almost noble air, like the garment some great man had just flung to his servant; but the face on the moon was a grave one.   (source)
  • She had listened gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • Antipova stopped ironing and gave him a grave, astonished look.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • It was not really anything of a separation, yet he was surprised to find that it seemed to him a grave one, perhaps because his business was grave, or because of the solemn hour.   (source)
  • This made a grave and persistent noise in the still air, that seemed meditative like the chirping of a solitary little bird.   (source)
  • George Norris called the President's scathing indictment a grave injustice to men who conscientiously tried to do their duty as they saw it;   (source)
  • O'Brien was looking down at him gravely and rather sadly.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • General Macarthur said gravely: "None of us are going to leave the island."   (source)
    gravely = solemnly (in a very serious manner)
  • He looked at her in silence, his face unresponsive and very grave-looked at her intently.   (source)
    grave = serious
  • Suddenly his effusive manner collapses, as she stares at him gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • A change had come over him, and he spoke gravely, and with decision.   (source)
  • She watched while Mr. Graves came around from the side of the box, greeted Mr. Summers gravely, and selected a slip of paper from the box.   (source)
  • Msimangu said gravely, yes, she is very sick.   (source)
  • But if the town was there like on Saturday night, Lige would come up with a very grave air.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • ...trying to make a joke, but they were all too grave for a joke and no one smiled.   (source)
    grave = serious
  • "You're mistaken, my son," he said gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • How on earth could I have made so grave a mistake?   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "You run a grave risk, my boy," said the magician, "of being turned into a piece of bread, and toasted."   (source)
  • All I could get out of him was: 'This place has an evil name among seafaring men, sir.' Then he said to me, very gravely: 'Don't you feel anything?'   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • Perrault nodded gravely.   (source)
  • Cash's face is also gravely composed; he and I look at one another with long probing looks,   (source)
  • The letter lay here a day or two, waiting till you were well enough, then the situation got so grave that I decided to open it in case it was useful to us.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • LEWIS—(smiling amiably) As for you, my balmy Boer that walks like a man, I say again it was a grave error in our foreign policy ever to set you free, once we nabbed you and your commando with Cronje.   (source)
  • He soaped himself, and rinsed himself, and austerely rubbed himself; he noted a hole in the Turkish towel, and meditatively thrust a finger through it, and marched back to the bedroom, a grave and unbending citizen.   (source)
  • Mary listened to her with a grave, puzzled expression.   (source)
  • Mother Wolf threw herself down panting among the cubs, and Father Wolf said to her gravely: "Shere Khan speaks this much truth. The cub must be shown to the Pack."   (source)
    gravely = solemnly (seriously)
  • I have grave doubts.   (source)
    grave = serious (important)
  • (She is alone, it said, and so are you.) And when she purses up her mouth and stares, so grave and thoughtful, she is like a little child.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • Mallinson half-turned away, his face lit with a grave shyness.   (source)
  • It was after its fashion an idyllic spot with a little band-stand out on an island near the center of the lake and on the shore a grave and captive bear in a cage.   (source)
  • In the middle of the room she paused, looking about her with a grave mouth and smiling eyes; and in that instant Newland Archer rejected the general verdict on her looks.   (source)
  • But have you any grave doubts on the subject?   (source)
    grave = serious (important)
  • At last she arose, gently dispersed the sympathetic llamas, and with a grave face returned to the shrine.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • "It was meant seriously," he answered gravely.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • His tones were so grave that a hush fell upon the group.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • I do not think that any one thoroughly sympathized with me in my ambition to go to Hampton unless it was my mother, and she was troubled with a grave fear that I was starting out on a "wild-goose chase."   (source)
  • The chasm seemed a grave of silence.   (source)
  • But, since I had resolved to weigh you in the balance, to make so grave an issue depend upon your answer, I considered it more honourable to give you due warning.   (source)
  • And with the same grave countenance he hurried through his breakfast and drove to the police station, whither the body had been carried.   (source)
  • Tom looks at me very grave, and says...   (source)
  • With a grave and ceremonious air, Marfa Borisovna motioned the prince to a chair at one of the card-tables.   (source)
  • he said gravely, "that is very serious indeed!"   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • Motionless, with a grave face, he raised his hands slightly at me in a gesture which meant clearly, "Heavens! what a narrow escape!"   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • I never will, while of myself I'm master,
    let the divinity of tears--their beauty
    Be wedded to such common ugly grossness.
    Nothing more solemn than a tear--sublimer;
    And I would not by weeping turn to laughter
    The grave emotion that a tear engenders!   (source)
  • The girl-mother replied in a grave affirmative.   (source)
  • Thus he passed out of the preparatory school into college, and we who watched him felt four more years of change, which almost transformed the tall, grave man who bowed to us commencement morning.   (source)
  • But Sylvia kept an awed silence; she knew by instinct that her grandmother did not comprehend the gravity of the situation.   (source)
    gravity = seriousness
  • Phileas Fogg did not betray the least disappointment; but the situation was a grave one.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • He was the notary of the place, a tall, grave man of pompous speech.   (source)
  • At these words a grave smile of approval lighted the gaunt face of the Hindoo.   (source)
  • She shall go to her grave looking her best.   (source)
  • After his departure, he had to finish the daily routine of business with his secretary, and then he still had to drive round to call on a certain great personage on a matter of grave and serious import.   (source)
  • "I don't see anything funny," she said gravely, when she could be heard.   (source)
    gravely = in a serious and solemn manner
  • All this time Roger Chillingworth was looking at the minister with the grave and intent regard of a physician towards his patient.   (source)
    grave = serious and solemn
  • If you did, it would be in such a grave, quiet manner, I should mistake it for sense.   (source)
  • "Fly, Fly, I am ashamed of you," Mary was saying in a grave contralto.   (source)
  • "That's true, Mum," said Mr. Pumblechook, with a grave nod.   (source)
  • Javert was impassive; his grave face betrayed no emotion whatever.   (source)
  • Alice thought the whole thing very absurd, but they all looked so grave that she did not dare to laugh;   (source)
  • When the last echo of his sultan's step has died away, and Starbuck, the first Emir, has every reason to suppose that he is seated, then Starbuck rouses from his quietude, takes a few turns along the planks, and, after a grave peep into the binnacle, says, with some touch of pleasantness, "Dinner, Mr. Stubb," and descends the scuttle.   (source)
  • "But—but—" said he, getting up slowly, while his face assumed a grave expression.   (source)
  • With a grave severity in my manner I bade her stand up.   (source)
  • Mr. Gore was a grave man, and, though a young man, he indulged in no jokes, said no funny words, seldom smiled.   (source)
  • By good conduct, a handsome person and calves, and a grave demeanour, Raggles rose from the knife-board to the footboard of the carriage; from the footboard to the butler's pantry.   (source)
  • Nevertheless, the little one was not what you would have called either a grave child or a sad one.   (source)
  • He told me once, with a grave smile, that no man in the world lived so methodical a life as he.   (source)
  • She put the question as literally as possible, however, and received a grave answer in the affirmative.   (source)
  • Yet hence arises a grave mischief.   (source)
  • A certain speculator with a grave, whiskered face, who sold cakes at a theatre door, had some strong wooden benches made which he placed before the window of the stores, and obligingly invited the public to stand on them and look in, at the modest charge of twenty-four kopecks.   (source)
  • I am anxious to vindicate myself from such a charge; for although I might trust to your friendship for an apology in your eyes, yet I would not willingly stand conviction in those of the public of so grave a crime, as my fears lead me to anticipate my being charged with.   (source)
  • At Newport we took in a number of passengers for New York, among which were two young women, companions, and a grave, sensible, matron-like Quaker woman, with her attendants.   (source)
  • And here it must be noted that such-like deaths, which are deliberately inflicted with a resolved and desperate courage, cannot be avoided by princes, because any one who does not fear to die can inflict them; but a prince may fear them the less because they are very rare; he has only to be careful not to do any grave injury to those whom he employs or has around him in the service of the state.   (source)
  • I should be very sorry if Meletus could bring so grave a charge against me.   (source)
  • More important, we were happy to have helped out a family that was dealing with a gravely ill child.†   (source)
  • Wang nodded gravely.†   (source)
  • Sofia nodded gravely again.†   (source)
  • Martha looked at him gravely.†   (source)
  • You'll need a lawyer to write it out," said Joseph gravely.†   (source)
  • Mr. Cartier introduced himself to each of us individually, making eye contact and smiling gravely.†   (source)
  • Mr. Costello nodded gravely.†   (source)
  • "We haven't yet come to the panic part," replied Mr. Benedict gravely.†   (source)
  • Renata stopped and turned to Mae, looking gravely concerned.†   (source)
  • She was quite concerned at how many Canadian authors were on our reading lists; because she'd not read them, she suspected them of the gravest parochialism.†   (source)
  • They are only to be used as a last defense against evil, or in the gravest of illnesses.†   (source)
  • A dream,' the reporter said gravely, 'that will never come to pass.'†   (source)
  • GINNY (gravely): Yes.†   (source)
  • He looked gravely at Arthur and said, "I'm a great fan of science, you know."†   (source)
  • My feelings—my shame—I have no words for," he said, more gravely, when still I did not answer.†   (source)
  • From then, off and on, I was gravely ill.†   (source)
  • Carlisle looked gravely at Laurent.†   (source)
  • "Yes, I have," Hatsumomo said gravely, and she came and knelt at the table.†   (source)
  • My father recited it as gravely as if it were the Modegan royal lineage while accompanying himself on a half harp.†   (source)
  • Sophie sat staring gravely at the table.†   (source)
  • His aunt, Mrs. Gravely, had taught me history in junior high.†   (source)
  • Nico replied gravely, "Having money isn't part of our admissions criteria; we fund our students out of research grants."†   (source)
  • Sitting at home in my wheelchair, I committed one of the Team's gravest sins—feeling sorry for myself I slipped deep into depression.†   (source)
  • He whistled softly, he nodded gravely.†   (source)
  • Gravely he handed me the Mark 12 sniper rifle and said simply, "Taliban, Dr. Marcus.†   (source)
▲ show less (of above)

meaning too common or rare to warrant focus:

show 10 examples with meaning too common or rare to warrant focus
  • Khalil's in a grave.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • When the other girls crouched to slap the stage, I tilted; when we were to cartwheel, I swayed, refusing to allow gravity to do its work, to draw the sweatshirt any higher up my legs.   (source)
    gravity = the force that makes things fall
  • He sat between his mother's grave and the flower-covered mound.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • A pair of grave diggers.   (source)
  • "Making a grave," he said.   (source)
    grave = burial
  • Baba took his memories of her to the grave with him.   (source)
    grave = time when buried
  • It was easy to find his grave: It was the newest.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • Then I realized it must be Kira Morrow's grave.   (source)
  • Put it in its own little grave, to dig up when he needed it.   (source)
  • But the tunnel was quiet as the grave, and the first unexpected sound they heard was a loud crunch as Ron stepped on what turned out to be a rat's skull.   (source)
▲ show less (of above)
show 40 more examples with meaning too common or rare to warrant focus
  • And who will dig a grave for me?   (source)
  • Brooks was lying in a grave in Funafuti's Marine Corps cemetery.   (source)
  • It reminded me of the eternal flame they'd put on John F. Kennedy's grave that will never go out no matter what.   (source)
  • The sheriff parked the car and led me up a path toward the river, and there, on a little hill overlooking the river and the valley, was my mother's grave.   (source)
  • Swear on my father's grave.   (source)
  • Unless Sam Westing is out to get somebody from his grave.   (source)
  • Goose feet on his grave.   (source)
  • As they worked, they put the sky in place above, the trees in the ground. They invented color and air and scent and gravity.   (source)
    gravity = the force that makes things fall
  • "We can go to Jim Morrison's grave!"   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • It was nearly his grave.   (source)
    grave = time when buried
  • Drank his way to the grave.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • Just a few steps and a leap, and gravity would do the rest.   (source)
    gravity = the force that makes things fall
  • They named him Timothy and buried him in a marked grave beside their small camper home.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • He would escape gravity.   (source)
    gravity = the force that makes things fall
  • It was a window into another grave—one that had the dusty remnants of a rotting body.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • Not a grave marker.   (source)
  • I even made her a mix tape and left it at the grave.   (source)
  • "Oh nothing, nothing," she said, "somebody just walked over my grave."   (source)
  • …his whole body hanging between river and sky as though he had transcended gravity and might by gently pushing upward with his foot glide a little way higher and remain suspended in space, encompassing all the glory of the summer and offering it to the sky.   (source)
    gravity = the force that makes things fall
  • He had a bad chi or personal god, and evil fortune followed him to the grave, or rather to his death, for he had no grave.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • And some day we'll remember so much that we'll build the biggest goddam steamshovel in history and dig the biggest grave of all time and shove war in and cover it up.   (source)
  • ABIGAIL: He knows Tituba conjured Ruth's sisters to come out of the grave.   (source)
  • I was the one who insisted on trying to find his grave, questioning the farmer about it because Rufus, like his father, like old Mary and Alice, had probably been buried on the plantation.   (source)
  • They stood together over the grave in final tribute.   (source)
  • Spirits from beyond the grave were always surrounded by bright angelic light and enveloped in an aura of peace and tranquillity.   (source)
    grave = time of being buried
  • When the weather's nice, my parents go out quite frequently and stick a bunch of flowers on old Allie's grave.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • Is there any gravity here?   (source)
  • The law of gravity was nonsense.   (source)
    gravity = the force that makes things fall
  • I was relieved too, for that seemed to promise another friend at Gatsby's grave.   (source)
    grave = burial spot
  • The whole region where they go up becomes one grave.   (source)
  • They were buried in the one grave and their funeral was most imposing, Diana.   (source)
  • I have a duty to do in protecting her grave from outrage, and by God, I shall do it!   (source)
  • He looked like a ghost evoked unseasonably from the grave.   (source)
  • The finger pointed from the grave to him, and back again.   (source)
  • ...if the destruction pause before the peace of the grave have succeeded to your sad torments!   (source)
  • Trenches, hospitals, the common grave—there are no other possibilities.   (source)
  • They were corpses waiting to be sent back to the grave.   (source)
  • He had the sensation of stepping into the dampness of a grave,   (source)
  • You don't even control the climate or the law of gravity.   (source)
    gravity = the force that makes things fall
  • Only after weeks of vain effort did the right idea occur to somebody — namely, to utilise the force of gravity.   (source)
    gravity = the physical attraction of mass to mass
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