Both Uses of
Don Quixote
- In short, seƱora Dona Rodriguez, if you will leave out and put aside all love messages, you may go and light your candle and come back, and we will discuss all the commands you have for me and whatever you wish, saving only, as I said, all seductive communications.†
Chpt 2.47-48 *seductive = sexually attractive; or persuasive by tempting with something desired
- her; but now it has come to my hearing that you are about to depart from this castle in quest of such fair adventures as God may vouchsafe to you; therefore, before you take the road, I would that you challenge this froward rustic, and compel him to marry my daughter in fulfillment of the promise he gave her to become her husband before he seduced her; for to expect that my lord the duke will do me justice is to ask pears from the elm tree, for the reason I stated privately to your worship; and so may our Lord grant you good health and forsake us not.†
Chpt 2.51-52seduced = persuaded someone to want something (often sex or love) by tempting with something desired
to persuade someone to do something by tempting them with something pleasurable or desired -- often to make them want to have sex