All 3 Uses of
Common Sense, by Thomas Paine
- Your future connection with Britain, whom you can neither love nor honor will be forced and unnatural, and being formed only on the plan of present convenience, will in a little time fall into a relapse more wretched than the first.†
Chpt 3.wretched = miserable or very bad
- Have you lost a parent or a child by their hands, and yourself the ruined and wretched survivor!†
Chpt 3. *
- Ere she could hear the news, the fatal business might be done; and ourselves suffering like the wretched Britons under the oppression of the Conqueror.†
Chpt 3.
very bad
in various senses, including:
- unfortunate or miserable -- as in "wretched prisoners sleeping on the cold floor"
- of poor quality -- as in "wretched roads"
- morally bad -- as in "The wretched woman stole his wallet."