All 4 Uses of
The Chrysalids
- A baby which, if you were to have your way, would grow up to breed, and, breeding, spread pollution until all around us there would be mutants and abominations.†
Chpt 7 *abominations = things that are exceptionally bad or detestable
- Accursed is the mutant... The mutant, the enemy, not only of the human race, but of all the species God had decreed; the seed of the Devil within, trying unflaggingly, eternally to come to fruition in order that it might destroy the divine order and turn our land, the stronghold of God's will upon Earth, into a lewd chaos like the Fringes; trying to make it a place without the law, like the lands in the South that Uncle Axel had spoken of, where the plants and the animals and the almost-human beings, too, brought forth travesties; where true stock had given place to unnameable creatures, abominable growths flourished, and the spirits of evil mocked the Lord with obscene fantasies.†
Chpt 8abominable = exceptionally bad or detestable
- They were short, fat, burnt with smoky flames, and smelt abominably, but they enabled me to see the surroundings.†
Chpt 15abominably = in an exceptionally bad or detestable manner
- 'A baby — a baby which ....would grow to breed, and breeding, spread pollution until all around us there would be mutants and abominations.†
Chpt 16abominations = things that are exceptionally bad or detestable
exceptionally bad or intensely disliked