All 27 Uses of
The Ramayana
- Nor did the saint that gift despise, Offered as holy texts advise; He kindly asked the earth's great king How all with him was prospering.†
Book 1despise = dislike strongly and look down upon
- Now will I show thy wondering eyes The prowess which they dare despise.†
Book 1
- If thou refuse thy promise sworn, I die, despised, before the morn.†
Book 2 *despised = disliked strongly and looked down upon
- Me, whom my husband never prized, Kaikeyí's retinue despised With boundless insolence, though she Tops not in rank nor equals me.†
Book 2
- Here in thy presence I declare; By thy good deeds, thy truth, I swear; Nor lordship, joy, nor lands I prize; Life, heaven, all blessings I despise.†
Book 2despise = dislike strongly and look down upon
- Despise not Dasaratha, he Is a kind lord and friend to thee.†
Book 2
- The best of Bráhmans, good and wise, The tardy summoning despise, And, equal to the Gods, disdain Cups, e'en of Amrit, thus to drain.†
Book 2
- May he his lawful love despise, And turn on other dames his eyes, Fool, on forbidden joys intent, Whose will allowed the banishment.†
Book 2
- I sware my father's will to do, And if I now my brother slew What gain in kingship should I find, Despised and scorned by all mankind?†
Book 2despised = disliked strongly and looked down upon
- The Warrior's duty I despise That seeks the wrong in virtue's guise: Those claims I shrink from, which the base, Cruel, and covetous embrace.†
Book 2despise = dislike strongly and look down upon
- Shall I, as Bharat's words advise, My father's solemn charge despise?†
Book 2
- My mother planned, by me untaught, To win the sway I never sought: Ne'er Raghu's son could I despise, In duty's lore supremely wise.†
Book 2
- Then as he saw the seasons fly, And knew my marriage-time was nigh, My sire was vexed with care, as sad As one who mourns the wealth he had: "Scorn on the maiden's sire must wait From men of high and low estate: The virgin's father all despise, Though Indra's peer, who rules the skies."†
Book 2
- Who are ye, sinners, who despise The right, in holy men's disguise?†
Book 3
- I warn thee, and my words are wise, I seek thy people's weal: But if this rede thou wilt despise, Nor hear my last appeal, Thou with thy kin and all thy friends In fight this day wilt die, When his great bow the hero bends, And shafts unerring fly.†
Book 3
- The spirits with their blinded eyes Would look in wonder, and despise The Lord who made the worlds, the great Creator when compassionate.†
Book 3
- Nor wilt thou, if thy heart be wise, Sugríva, Vánar king, despise.†
Book 3
- 'Twas thus Sugríva dared despise The claim of brothers' friendly ties.†
Book 4
- Still, when I muse how strong and bold Is cruel Báli, evil-souled, But ne'er, O chief of Raghu's line, Have seen what strength in war is thine, Though in my heart I may not dare Doubt thy great might, despise, compare, Thoughts of his fearful deeds will rise And fill my soul with sad surmise.†
Book 4
- Once let this eye the foeman see, Then, if he live to turn and flee, Despise my puny strength, and shame With foul opprobrium Ráma's name.†
Book 4
- Her solemn warning ne'er despise, Do boldly what her lips advise; For things to come her eye can see, And with her words events agree.†
Book 4
- Avindhva(865) prudent, just, and old, The giant's fall has oft foretold; But Fate impels him to despise His word on whom he most relies.†
Book 5
- Arts, gifts, address, these fiends despise; But force shall yet their king chastise.†
Book 5
- Yet will you not, if you are wise, A chief of monkey race despise.†
Book 5
- O Rákshas lords, in time be wise, Nor Ráma's matchless power despise.†
Book 6
- They in their inward hearts despise The brave, the noble, and the wise, Grieve at their bliss with rancorous hate, And for their sorrows watch and wait: Scan every fault with curious eye, And each slight error magnify.†
Book 6
- Those sovereigns who with blinded eyes Neglect the foe their hearts despise, Soon, falling from their high estate Bring on themselves the stroke of fate.†
Book 6
to dislike strongly and to look down upon with disrespect