All 7 Uses of
The Ramayana
- For many a day with sinful care I cherished thee, thou sin and snare, Kept thee, unwitting, like a cord Destined to bind its hapless lord.†
Book 2 *unwitting = without knowledge or intent
- He stood beside the royal chief, Unwitting of his deadly grief, And with sweet words began to sing The praises of his lord and king: "As, when the sun begins to rise, The sparkling sea delights our eyes, Wake, calm with gentle soul, and thus Give rapture, mighty King, to us.†
Book 2
- The deed this hand unwitting wrought This misery on my soul has brought, As children seize the deadly cup And blindly drink the poison up.†
Book 2
- Thus, unaware, the deed was done: My hand, unwitting, killed thy son.†
Book 2
- Thy hand unwitting dealt the blow That laid a holy hermit low, And distant, therefore, is the time When thou shalt suffer for the crime.†
Book 2
- Unwitting ill, my hapless sire Placed in his bosom coals of fire, And through thy crimes his death he met, O thou whose heart on sin is set.†
Book 2
- As those must surely die who eat Unwittingly of poisoned meat, They too whose lives in sin are spent Receive ere long the punishment.†
Book 3