All 20 Uses of
The Ramayana
- But we in words like these reproved The God of Wind whom passion moved: "Farewell, O Lord!†
Book 1reproved = criticized
- Hast thou, by pride and folly moved, With bitter taunt the king reproved?†
Book 2 *
- thus reproved; Then with joined hands and reverent head Again to Queen Kausalyá said: "I needs must go—do thou consent— To the wild wood in banishment.†
Book 2
- In vain he prayed, in vain reproved, She heard unsoftened and unmoved.†
Book 2
- With sobs and sighs and broken tones, E'en as a wounded mallard moans, He mourned with deepest sorrow moved, And thus the holy priest reproved: "O, how can such as Bharat dare The power and sway from him to tear, Wise, and devout, and true, and chaste, With Scripture lore and virtue graced?†
Book 2
- When Ráma saw the giant nigh, On foot, alone, with mace reared high, In mild reproof at first he spoke, Then forth his threatening anger broke: "Thou with the host 'twas thine to lead, With elephant and car and steed, Hast wrought an act of sin and shame, An act which all who live must blame.†
Book 3reproof = criticism
- Thy guilty hands this day have done A deed which all reprove and shun, Unworthly of a noble chief, The pillage loved by coward thief.†
Book 3reprove = criticize
- Near and more near the princes came, Each brother's heart and look the same; Alike on each sad visage lay The signs of misery and dismay, Then Ráma by his terror moved His brother for his fault reproved In leaving Sítá far from aid In the wild wood where giants strayed.†
Book 3reproved = criticized
- Lakshman Reproved.†
Book 3
- But Báli, by her prayers unmoved, Spurned her advice, and thus reproved: "How may this insult, scathe, and scorn By me, dear love, be tamely born?†
Book 4
- Then Ráma, with his spirit moved, The Vánar king in turn reproved: "Why dost thou, Báli, thus revile, And castest not a glance the while On claims of duty, love, and gain, And customs o'er the world that reign?†
Book 4
- Come then, O hero, kept aloof By modest awe, nor fear reproof: A faithful friend untouched by blame May look upon another's dame.†
Book 4reproof = criticism
- saw, and, fiercely moved, With angry speech the king reproved: "Famed is the prince who loves the truth, Whose soul is touched with tender ruth, Who, liberal, keeps each sense subdued, And pays the debt of gratitude.†
Book 4reproved = criticized
- á, of softer mould, A Rákshas matron wise and old, With pity for the captive moved, In words like these the fiends reproved: "Me, me," she cried, "eat me, but spare The spouse of Dasaratha's heir.†
Book 5
- The Rákshas monarch heard, and moved To sudden wrath his speech reproved: "No danger, brother, can I see: The Maithil dame I will not free.†
Book 6
- Thus spoke the king in stern reproof; Then mounted to his palace roof Aloft o'er many a story raised, And on the lands beneath him gazed.†
Book 6reproof = criticism
- The giant viewed with earnest ken The Vánars and the lords of men; Then thus, with grief and anger moved, In bitter tone the spies reproved: "Can faithful servants hope to please Their master with such fates as these?†
Book 6reproved = criticized
- With magic art like maddening wine He cheats these weeping eyes of mine, Torments me with his suit, nor spares Reproof or flattery, threats or prayers.†
Book 6reproof = criticism
- "(972) The monarch frowned, by passion moved And thus in angry words reproved: "Wilt thou thine elder brother school, Forgetful of the ancient rule That bids thee treat him as the sage Who guides thee with the lore of age?†
Book 6reproved = criticized
- The son of Raghu saw and moved With anger thus the king reproved: "Why vex with hasty blow and threat The Vánars, and my rights forget?†
Book 6
express disapproval or criticism -- typically in a mild manner & sometimes even in a friendly manner