All 3 Uses of
I Heard the Owl Call My Name
- You know nothing and they must teach you," and Caleb had blessed him and ambled off, bare-headed in the rain, a man whose work on the coast was so legendary that it was said the Archbishop of Canterbury greeted him by his first name and a joke old between them, Tell me, Caleb, how's your trap line?†
Chpt 1.1ambled = walked leisurely
- The village is the talking bird, the owl, who calls the name of the man who is going to die, and the silver-tipped grizzly who ambles into the village, and the little white speck that is the mountain goat on Whoop-Szo.†
Chpt 1.1 *ambles = walks leisurely
- When he had cleaned the church, he worked on the vicarage with the broom and the scrub brush, and when he wearied and ambled to the river's edge where the women were smoking and drying fish, they smiled at him shyly.†
Chpt 1.4ambled = walked leisurely
(amble) to walk leisurely or slowly
- (2) (meaning too rare to warrant focus)