Both Uses of
A Room With A View
- Under the chaplain's guidance they selected many hideous presents and mementoes—florid little picture-frames that seemed fashioned in gilded pastry; other little frames, more severe, that stood on little easels, and were carven out of oak; a blotting book of vellum; a Dante of the same material; cheap mosaic brooches, which the maids, next Christmas, would never tell from real; pins, pots, heraldic saucers, brown art-photographs; Eros and Psyche in alabaster; St. Peter to match—all of which would have cost less in London.†
Chpt 5
- They have sinned against Eros and against Pallas Athene, and not by any heavenly intervention, but by the ordinary course of nature, those allied deities will be avenged.†
Chpt 17 *
(Eros from Greek mythology) Greek mythology: god of love; son of Aphrodite
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Less commonly, Eros can be a proper noun, probably naming something after the mythological god of love