Both Uses of
A Room of One's Own
- What idea it had been that had sent me so audaciously trespassing I could not now remember.†
Chpt 1 *trespassing = entering another's property without right or permission
- Strolling through those colleges past those ancient halls the roughness of the present seemed smoothed away; the body seemed contained in a miraculous glass cabinet through which no sound could penetrate, and the mind, freed from any contact with facts (unless one trespassed on the turf again), was at liberty to settle down upon whatever meditation was in harmony with the moment.†
Chpt 1trespassed = entered another's property without right or permission
(trespass as in: a "No Trespassing" sign) to enter another's property without right or permission
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) There are other less common senses of the word trespass. They all involve going beyond acceptable limits--such as violating a moral law. See a comprehensive dictionary for more detail.