Both Uses of
Hiroshima, by John Hersey
- A year after the bomb was dropped, Miss Sasaki was a cripple; Mrs Nakamura was destitute; Father Kleinsorge was back in the hospital; Dr Sasaki was not capable of the work he once could do; Dr Fujii had lost the thirty-room hospital it took him many years to acquire, and had no prospects of rebuilding it; Mr Tanimoto's church had been ruined and he no longer had his exceptional vitality, The lives of these Six people, who were among the luckiest in Hiroshima, would never be the same, What they thought of their experiences and the use of the atomic bomb was, of course, not unanimous.†
Chpt 4destitute = extremely poor; or lacking the necessities of life such as food and shelter
- Hatsuyo Nakamura, weak and destitute, began a courageous struggle, which would last for many years, to keep her children and herself alive.
Chpt 5 *
extremely poor; or lacking the necessities of life such as food and shelter
The expression "destitute of" means: lacking
The expression "destitute of" means: lacking