All 3 Uses of
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- So much for art; and, as for history, we have the gossiping reminiscences of the great pillar, still ringing with the tattle of the Patru.†
Chpt 1.1.1 *reminiscences = things remembered from the past
- "La Esmeralda!" said Gringoire, stupefied in the midst of his emotions, by the abrupt manner in which that magic word knotted together all his reminiscences of the day.†
Chpt 1.2.6
- When the memory of the first races felt itself overloaded, when the mass of reminiscences of the human race became so heavy and so confused that speech naked and flying, ran the risk of losing them on the way, men transcribed them on the soil in a manner which was at once the most visible, most durable, and most natural.†
Chpt 1.5.2
something remembered from the past; or the act of remembering it