All 3 Uses of
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Guillaume Rousseau, Emperor of the Empire of Galilee, marched majestically in his robe of purple, spotted with wine, preceded by buffoons wrestling and executing military dances; surrounded by his macebearers, his pickpockets and clerks of the chamber of accounts.†
Chpt 1.2.3 *Rousseau = Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- influential French philosopher and writer who believed that the natural goodness of man was warped by society (1712-1778)
- You are in the presence of three powerful sovereigns: myself, Clopin Trouillefou, King of Thunes, successor to the Grand Coësre, supreme suzerain of the Realm of Argot; Mathias Hunyadi Spicali, Duke of Egypt and of Bohemia, the old yellow fellow whom you see yonder, with a dish clout round his head; Guillaume Rousseau, Emperor of Galilee, that fat fellow who is not listening to us but caressing a wench.†
Chpt 1.2.6
- Sometimes, however, as in the affair of the assassins of Petit-Jean, the headsman of Paris, and in that of Emery Rousseau, the murderer of Jean Valleret, justice overleaped the church and passed on to the execution of its sentences; but unless by virtue of a decree of Parliament, woe to him who violated a place of asylum with armed force!†
Chpt 2.9.2
influential French philosopher and writer who believed that the natural goodness of man was warped by society and whose ideas influenced the French Revolution (1712-1778)