All 5 Uses of
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Marie of Burgundy, mother to that Marguerite whom Coppenole was to-day bestowing in marriage, would have been less afraid of the cardinal than of the hosier; for it is not a cardinal who would have stirred up a revolt among the men of Ghent against the favorites of the daughter of Charles the Bold; it is not a cardinal who could have fortified the populace with a word against her tears and prayers, when the Maid of Flanders came to supplicate her people in their behalf, even at the very foot of the scaffold; while the hosier had only to raise his leather elbow, in order to cause to fall your two heads, most illustrious seigneurs, Guy d'Hymbercourt and Chancellor Guillaume Hugonet.†
Chpt 1.1.4fortified = to make stronger
- With these two quarters, one of Hôtels, the other of houses, the third feature of aspect presented by the city was a long zone of abbeys, which bordered it in nearly the whole of its circumference, from the rising to the setting sun, and, behind the circle of fortifications which hemmed in Paris, formed a second interior enclosure of convents and chapels.†
Chpt 1.3.2
- Temple and the Rue Saint-Martin, there was the Abbey of Saint-Martin, in the midst of its gardens, a superb fortified church, whose girdle of towers, whose diadem of bell towers, yielded in force and splendor only to Saint-Germain des Prés.†
Chpt 1.3.2fortified = to make stronger
- Some, among the number Notre-Dame, were fortified.†
Chpt 2.10.4 *
- I tell you, that 'tis the spirit Sabnac, the grand marquis, the demon of fortifications.†
Chpt 2.10.4
to make stronger
in various senses, including:
- to add defensive fortifications to a site to withstand attack -- as in "fortify the camp"
- to make a structure or organization stronger -- as in "fortify the wall"
- to inspire emotional and mental strength -- as in "fortify her spirits"
- to strengthen an argument -- as in "fortify our argument"
- to add nutrients to increase the healthfulness -- as in "bread fortified with folic acid and iron"
- to add alcohol to make a drink stronger and/or less prone to spoiling -- as in "port, sherry, madeira, and other fortified wines"