Both Uses of
Howards End
- No doubt the disturbance is really the spirit of the generations, welcoming the new generation, and chafing against the ultimate Fate, who holds all the seas in the palm of her hand.†
Part 20 *ultimate = most extreme as in final, best, worst, most important, or most fundamental
- To what ultimate harmony we tend she did not know, but there seemed great chance that a child would be born into the world, to take the great chances of beauty and adventure that the world offers.†
Part 43
most extreme as in final, best, worst, most important, or most fundamental
The exact meaning of ultimate depends upon its context. For example:
- "the ultimate decision-maker" -- the final
- "the ultimate car" -- the best
- "the ultimate insult" -- the worst
- "the ultimate source" -- original or most fundamental
- "the ultimate sacrifice" -- most extreme