All 10 Uses of
Howards End
- So do I. But Helen and I, we ought to remember, when we are tempted to criticise others, that we are standing on these islands, and that most of the others are down below the surface of the sea.†
Part 7criticise = give an opinion of what is wrong with somethingunconventional spelling: This is a British spelling. Americans spell this criticize.
- Twice she deplored the weather, twice criticised the train service on the Great Northern Railway.†
Part 9criticised = gave an opinion of what was wrong with somethingunconventional spelling: This is a British spelling. Americans spell this criticized.
- There was no bitterness in Mrs. Wilcox; there was not even criticism; she was lovable, and no ungracious or uncharitable word had passed her lips.†
Part 9 *criticism = the act of finding fault and telling others; or a description of faults
- Thus equipped, he escaped criticism.†
Part 14
- Others he caught and criticised with admirable lucidity.†
Part 16criticised = gave an opinion of what was wrong with somethingunconventional spelling: This is a British spelling. Americans spell this criticized.
- Though no more Old English than the works of Kipling, it had selected its reminiscences so adroitly that her criticism was lulled, and the guests whom it was nourishing for imperial purposes bore the outer semblance of Parson Adams or Tom Jones.†
Part 17criticism = the act of finding fault and telling others; or a description of faults
- Once or twice during the day she had encouraged him to criticise, and then had pulled him up short.†
Part 27criticise = give an opinion of what is wrong with somethingunconventional spelling: This is a British spelling. Americans spell this criticize.
- It was a criticism of Henry's character far more trenchant than any of her own.†
Part 33criticism = the act of finding fault and telling others; or a description of faults
- That was the stock criticism about Helen, but Margaret's voice trembled as she made it.†
Part 34
- Like many other critics of Empire, her mouth had been stopped with food, and she could only exclaim at the hospitality with which she had been received, and warn the Mother Country against trifling with young Titans.†
Part 25
(critical as in: a critical problem) important, serious, or dangerous
(critical as in: don't be so critical) finding fault and telling others; or tending to have unfavorable opinions
(critical as in: critical acclaim) relating to careful analysis or thoughtful judgement of what is good and bad about something -- possibly from people whose job is to share their expert opinions in a given industry