All 13 Uses of
Howards End
- It will be generally admitted that Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is the most sublime noise that has ever penetrated into the ear of man.†
Part 5Beethoven = Ludwig van Beethoven -- German composer considered to be one of the masters of the classical style (1770-1827)
- Whether you are like Mrs. Munt, and tap surreptitiously when the tunes come—of course, not so as to disturb the others—or like Helen, who can see heroes and shipwrecks in the music's flood; or like Margaret, who can only see the music; or like Tibby, who is profoundly versed in counterpoint, and holds the full score open on his knee; or like their cousin, Fraulein Mosebach, who remembers all the time that Beethoven is echt Deutsch; or like Fraulein Mosebach's young man, who can remember nothing but Fraulein Mosebach: in any case, the passion of your life becomes more vivid, and you are bound to admit that such a noise is cheap at two shillings.†
Part 5
- For the Andante had begun—very beautiful, but bearing a family likeness to all the other beautiful Andantes that Beethoven had written, and, to Helen's mind, rather disconnecting the heroes and shipwrecks of the first movement from the heroes and goblins of the third.†
Part 5
- Here Beethoven started decorating his tune, so she heard him through once more, and then she smiled at her Cousin Frieda.†
Part 5
- Here Beethoven, after humming and hawing with great sweetness, said "Heigho," and the Andante came to an end.†
Part 5
- For, as if things were going too far, Beethoven took hold of the goblins and made them do what he wanted.†
Part 5 *
- Beethoven knew better.†
Part 5
- Beethoven chose to make all right in the end.†
Part 5
- He had said so bravely, and that is why one can trust Beethoven when he says other things.†
Part 5
- "The Beethoven's fine," said Margaret, who was not a female of the encouraging type.†
Part 5
- I think you will recollect," he added pretentiously, "when I tell you that it included a performance of the Fifth Symphony of Beethoven."†
Part 14
- That's the only Beethoven I ever remember specially.†
Part 14
- "Likely enough," Helen laughed, "for I steal umbrellas even oftener than I hear Beethoven.†
Part 14
German composer considered to be one of the masters of the classical style (1770-1827)