All 3 Uses of
Howards End
- Then they said, "No, we do not believe it," and she admitted that an overworked clerk may save his soul in the superterrestrial sense, where the effort will be taken for the deed, but she denied that he will ever explore the spiritual resources of this world, will ever know the rarer joys of the body, or attain to clear and passionate intercourse with his fellows.†
Part 15deed = a notable achievement
- But Henry had saved it; without fine feelings or deep insight, but he had saved it, and she loved him for the deed.†
Part 24 *
- Oh, they may take the title-deeds and the door-keys, but for this one night we are at home.†
Part 37deeds = notable achievements
(deed as in: signed the deed) a legal document indicating ownership of propertyThis is often in reference to a trust deed which transfers legal title of property to a trustee. Frequently, the trustee is a bank and title is entrusted to the bank until a loan is paid off.
(deed as in: did a good deed) a notable achievement