All 3 Uses of
The House of the Seven Gables
- The truth was, however, that his fancy—reviving faster than his will and judgment, and always stronger than they—created shapes of loveliness that were symbolic of his native character, and now and then a stern and dreadful shape that typified his fate.†
Chpt 10 *typified = was a typical example of
- A cab; an omnibus, with its populous interior, dropping here and there a passenger, and picking up another, and thus typifying that vast rolling vehicle, the world, the end of whose journey is everywhere and nowhere; these objects he followed eagerly with his eyes, but forgot them before the dust raised by the horses and wheels had settled along their track.†
Chpt 11typifying = being a typical example of
- And it typified something better than itself.†
Chpt 17typified = was a typical example of
to be a typical example of; or to represent or be characteristic of