All 6 Uses of
The House of the Seven Gables
- What greatly strengthens such a suspicion is the fact that this controversy between two ill-matched antagonists—at a period, moreover, laud it as we may, when personal influence had far more weight than now—remained for years undecided, and came to a close only with the death of the party occupying the disputed soil.†
Chpt 1 *disputed = challenged, argued about, or fought over
- In all the very extensive sphere of those who knew him, whether in his public or private capacities, there was not an individual—except Hepzibah, and some lawless mystic, like the daguerreotypist, and, possibly, a few political opponents—who would have dreamed of seriously disputing his claim to a high and honorable place in the world's regard.†
Chpt 15disputing = challenging, arguing about, or fighting over
- No written record of this dispute is known to be in existence.†
Chpt 1
- Certain it is, however, that there was a great consultation and dispute of doctors over the dead body.†
Chpt 1 *
- So vivid were they, in his relation of them, that he once held a dispute with his sister as to the particular figure or print of a chintz morning-dress which he had seen their mother wear, in the dream of the preceding night.†
Chpt 11
- "I know the dispute to which you allude," observed Mr. Pyncheon with undisturbed equanimity.†
Chpt 13
(dispute as in: their border dispute) disagreement, argument, or conflict
(dispute as in: She disputes his claim.) challenge, argue about, or fight over