All 16 Uses of
The House of the Seven Gables
- His son lacked not merely the father's eminent position, but the talent and force of character to achieve it: he could, therefore, effect nothing by dint of political interest; and the bare justice or legality of the claim was not so apparent, after the Colonel's decease, as it had been pronounced in his lifetime.†
Chpt 1
- In the way of furniture, there were two tables: one, constructed with perplexing intricacy and exhibiting as many feet as a centipede; the other, most delicately wrought, with four long and slender legs, so apparently frail that it was almost incredible what a length of time the ancient tea-table had stood upon them.†
Chpt 2apparently = obviously or clearly; or seemingly so (appearing clear or obvious--though not necessarily so)
- He met the scowl of old Hepzibah without apparent alarm, as having heretofore encountered it and found it harmless.†
Chpt 3
- The door, which moved with difficulty on its creaking and rusty hinges, being forced quite open, a square and sturdy little urchin became apparent, with cheeks as red as an apple.†
Chpt 3
- But still there was something tough and vigorous about him, that not only kept him in daily breath, but enabled him to fill a place which would else have been vacant in the apparently crowded world.†
Chpt 4apparently = obviously or clearly; or seemingly so (appearing clear or obvious--though not necessarily so)
- "You would have seen other differences had you looked a little longer," said Holgrave, laughing, yet apparently much struck.†
Chpt 6
- It was very remarkable into what prominent relief—even as if a dim picture should leap suddenly from its canvas—Clifford's character was thrown by this apparently trifling annoyance.†
Chpt 7
- He is apparently conscious of having erred, in too energetically pressing his deeds of loving-kindness on persons unable to appreciate them.†
Chpt 8
- The author needs great faith in his reader's sympathy; else he must hesitate to give details so minute, and incidents apparently so trifling, as are essential to make up the idea of this garden-life.†
Chpt 10
- His mind took an apparently sharp impression from it, but lost the recollection of this perambulatory shower, before its next reappearance, as completely as did the street itself, along which the heat so quickly strewed white dust again.†
Chpt 11
- It is obvious to conclude, therefore, that he had grounds, not apparent to his heirs, for his confident anticipation of success in the matter of this Eastern claim.†
Chpt 13
- But, after all, was this unconquerable distrust of Judge Pyncheon's integrity, and this utter denial, apparently, of his claim to stand in the ring of human sympathies,—were they founded in any just perception of his character, or merely the offspring of a woman's unreasonable prejudice, deduced from nothing?†
Chpt 15apparently = obviously or clearly; or seemingly so (appearing clear or obvious--though not necessarily so)
- Of my uncle's unquestionably great estate, as I have said, not the half—no, not one third, as I am fully convinced—was apparent after his death.†
Chpt 15
- At his decease, there is only a vacancy, and a momentary eddy,—very small, as compared with the apparent magnitude of the ingurgitated object,—and a bubble or two, ascending out of the black depth and bursting at the surface.†
Chpt 21
- the guilt of the robbery and apparent murder had been fixed on Clifford,
Chpt 21 *apparent = appearing obvious
- According to this version of the story, Judge Pyncheon, exemplary as we have portrayed him in our narrative, was, in his youth, an apparently irreclaimable scapegrace.†
Chpt 21apparently = obviously or clearly; or seemingly so (appearing clear or obvious--though not necessarily so)
clear or obvious; or appearing as such but not necessarily so