All 4 Uses of
Cyrano de Bergerac
- CYRANO: She's a danger mortal, All unsuspicious—full of charms unconscious, Like a sweet perfumed rose—a snare of nature, Within whose petals Cupid lurks in ambush!†
Act 1 *Cupid = Roman mythology: god of love
- ROXANE: And thus it goes on... 'And, since some target I must show For Cupid's cruel dart, Oh, if mine own you deign to keep, Then give me your sweet heart!'†
Act 3
- But An if you deem that Cupid be so cruel You should have stifled baby-love in's cradle!†
Act 3
- CYRANO: If, leaving Cupid's arrows, quivers, torches, We turned to seek for sweeter—fresher things!†
Act 3
Roman mythology: god of love; a small, winged boy whose arrows make those struck fall in love