All 11 Uses of
The Idiot
- At last, however, on the repeated positive assurance that he really was Prince Muishkin, and must absolutely see the general on business, the bewildered domestic showed him into a little ante-chamber leading to a waiting-room that adjoined the general's study, there handing him over to another servant, whose duty it was to be in this ante-chamber all the morning, and announce visitors to the general.†
Chpt 1.2 *positive = absolute (used for emphasis)
- The first time I met an example of this handwriting, I was positively astonished, and where do you think I chanced to find it?†
Chpt 1.3positively = absolutely (used for emphasis)
- "You must really excuse me," interrupted the general, "but I positively haven't another moment now.†
Chpt 1.3positively = with certainty
- At the foot of the ladder he had been pale enough; but when he set foot on the scaffold at the top, his face suddenly became the colour of paper, positively like white notepaper.†
Chpt 1.5
- Oh, but, positively, you know—a hundred thousand roubles!†
Chpt 1.16
- The girls stood apart, almost frightened; their father was positively horrified.†
Chpt 2.9
- Oh, my dear prince," Lebedeff added most emphatically, "I do not positively assert that he has...I am ready, as the saying is, to shed my last drop of blood for him this instant; but you will admit that debauchery, drunkenness, and the captain's widow, all these together may lead him very far."†
Chpt 3.9
- it was positively a mercy that he died when he did—it was indeed—everyone said so at the time.†
Chpt 4.7positively = absolutely (used for emphasis)
- I have heard it said positively.†
Chpt 4.10positively = with certainty
- Gavrila Ardalionovitch has just told me of his discovery, and assures me that he has positive proofs.†
Chpt 2.8
- Please note that we have positive proofs!†
Chpt 2.8
(positive as in: I'm absolutely positive!) certain (having no doubt; or used for emphasis)
(positive as in: had a positive effect) good or beneficial
(positive as in: positive feedback from my boss) approval or agreement
(positive as in: a positive attitude) optimistic (expecting or focusing good things); or agreeable
(positive as in: The test came back positive.) found a condition or substance to be present
(positive as in: a positive number) greater than zero (of a number)
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) See a comprehensive dictionary for less common meanings of positive including some in the fields of electricity, physics, chemistry, medicine, philosophy, and grammar. Note that most all senses of positive indicate that something is good or present.