Both Uses of
The Idiot
- At the same time his grasp of things in general soon showed Totski that he now had to deal with a being who was outside the pale of the ordinary rules of traditional behaviour, and who would not only threaten mischief but would undoubtedly carry it out, and stop for no one.†
Chpt 1.4 *traditional = relating to practice or belief that is long-established or was previously long-established OR relating to stories passed down through generations
- We may remark here that he seemed anxious not to omit a single one of the recognized customs and traditions observed at weddings.†
Chpt 4.10traditions = long-established or previously long-established practices or beliefs
a long-established or previously long-established practice or belief
one or more practices, beliefs, or stories passed down through generations within a specific culture or group
one or more practices, beliefs, or stories passed down through generations within a specific culture or group