All 3 Uses of
The Idiot
- Everything is exposed to the public gaze, veils are thrown back, every wound is probed by careless fingers.†
Chpt 1.12 *probed = investigated
- Gania had begun to frown, and probably Varia added this last sentence in order to probe his thought.†
Chpt 4.1probe = to investigate; or an investigation; or an instrument used for investigation
- She was only waiting for the hour that would bring the matter to a final climax; and every hint, every careless probing of her wound, did but further lacerate her heart.†
Chpt 4.7probing = investigating
to investigate; or an investigation
any of various instrument used for investigation
any of various instrument used for investigation
instruments such as:
- an instrument to measure electronic voltage
- a surgical tool used for examination
- an unmanned spacecraft used for exploration