All 7 Uses of
The Idiot
- He added that Rogojin was drunk, of course; but that he thought the money would be forthcoming, for the excited and intoxicated rapture of the fellow impelled him to give any interest or premium that was asked of him, and there were several others engaged in beating up the money, also.†
Chpt 1.13
- This reasoning, however, seemed to end in a paradox, and lead to the further consideration:—"What matter though it be only disease, an abnormal tension of the brain, if when I recall and analyze the moment, it seems to have been one of harmony and beauty in the highest degree—an instant of deepest sensation, overflowing with unbounded joy and rapture, ecstatic devotion, and completest life?"†
Chpt 2.5
- Her eyes were aglow with inspiration, and a slight tremor of rapture passed over her lovely features once or twice.†
Chpt 2.7 *
- He sat at the table and seemed to be feeling, by turns, sensations of alarm and rapture.†
Chpt 3.1
- In the provinces all the ladies were in raptures over it, those who had read it, at least.†
Chpt 1.14
- I went home in raptures, but took another road in order to avoid Peter.†
Chpt 1.14
- You'll find that all their raptures, all their generous transports are proprietary, all their woes and their tears, proprietary; all proprietary or seminarist!†
Chpt 3.1
(rapture as in: listened with rapture) intense desired emotion -- usually extreme happiness
(rapture as in: awaiting the rapture) belief of some Christian denominations in a second coming of Jesus when believers are expected to go to Heaven