All 10 Uses of
The Idiot
- She dreamt of a monk in a dark room, into which she was too frightened to go.†
Chpt 3.1 *
- One of these cannibals, who had reached a good age, declared of his own free will that during the course of his long and miserable life he had personally killed and eaten, in the most profound secrecy, sixty monks, not to mention several children; the number of the latter he thought was about six, an insignificant total when compared with the enormous mass of ecclesiastics consumed by him.†
Chpt 3.4monks = male members of a religious order living together typically under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
- "But could anyone possibly eat sixty monks?" objected the scoffing listeners.†
Chpt 3.4
- Besides, a Catholic monk is by nature excessively curious; it would be quite easy therefore to entice him into a wood, or some secret place, on false pretences, and there to deal with him as said.†
Chpt 3.4
- Lebedeff is not mistaken, in my opinion, when he says that there were cannibals in those days, perhaps in considerable numbers; but I do not understand why he should have dragged in the monks, nor what he means by that.†
Chpt 3.4monks = male members of a religious order living together typically under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
- "It is undoubtedly because, in the twelfth century, monks were the only people one could eat; they were the fat, among many lean," said Gavrila Ardalionovitch.†
Chpt 3.4
- Sixty monks, and not a single layman!†
Chpt 3.4
- In my humble opinion, a child is too small; I should say, not sufficient; which would result in four or five times more lay children than monks being required in a given time.†
Chpt 3.4
- Why could he not simply leave the monks alone, and go into the desert to repent?†
Chpt 3.4
- Or why not become a monk himself?†
Chpt 3.4
a male member of a religious order typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience