All 6 Uses of
The Idiot
- The first disagreeable impression experienced by Mrs. Epanchin was to find the prince surrounded by a whole assembly of other guests—not to mention the fact that some of those present were particularly detestable in her eyes.†
Chpt 2.6
- You may add that I have surely enough to think of, on my own account, without him; and therefore it is all the more surprising that I cannot tear my eyes and thoughts away from his detestable physiognomy.†
Chpt 3.4
- It is their wickedness, their perpetual detestable malice—that's what it is—they are all full of malice, malice!†
Chpt 3.5 *
- It was impossible for me to go on living when life was full of such detestable, strange, tormenting forms.†
Chpt 3.6
- At home, everybody, mother, my sisters, Prince S., even that detestable Colia!†
Chpt 3.8
- I hate you, Gavrila Ardalionovitch, solely (this may seem curious to you, but I repeat)—solely because you are the type, and incarnation, and head, and crown of the most impudent, the most self-satisfied, the most vulgar and detestable form of commonplaceness.†
Chpt 4.2
deserving intense dislike