All 33 Uses of
The Idiot
- I confess, however, that I should not have stayed here even if you had invited me, not for any particular reason, but because it is—well, contrary to my practice and nature, somehow.
Chpt 1.3contrary to = in opposition to
- No, I don't think I have either talents or special abilities of any kind; on the contrary.
Chpt 1.3on the contrary = an expression used to intensify denial of an idea
- "Oh, on the contrary! my mother will be very glad," said Gania, courteously and kindly.
Chpt 1.3
- On the contrary, he seems to be very well brought up.
Chpt 1.5
- On the contrary, the brain is especially active, and works incessantly—probably hard, hard, hard—like an engine at full pressure.
Chpt 1.5
- Then she took to helping him without leave; and he saw how valuable her assistance was to him, and did not drive her away again; on the contrary, he occasionally gave her the remnants of his dinner, bread and cheese.
Chpt 1.6 *
- On the contrary, it seemed to increase.
Chpt 1.9
- Not in the least; on the contrary, he interests me.
Chpt 1.11
- Lizabetha Prokofievna, who disliked Varvara, although she had a great respect for her mother, was much annoyed by this sudden intimacy, and put it down to the general "contrariness" of her daughters, who were "always on the lookout for some new way of opposing her."
Chpt 2.1 *contrariness = disagreeableness
- On the contrary, everyone has been quite sincere in the matter, and although Tchebaroff may be somewhat of a rogue, in this business he has acted simply as any sharp lawyer would do under the circumstances.
Chpt 2.9on the contrary = an expression used to intensify denial of an idea
- I thought, on the contrary….
Chpt 2.11
- On the contrary, Hippolyte kissed his hand twice and thanked him; and all the prince said was that he thought Hippolyte might feel better here in the country!
Chpt 3.1
- —we both love you very sincerely, and esteem you, in spite of any appearances to the contrary.†
Chpt 3.3 *
- He did not feel the slightest sensation of offence; on the contrary, he was quite certain that it was as it should be.
Chpt 3.3on the contrary = an expression used to intensify denial of an idea
- On the contrary, though I had not actually told him my thought in the morning, yet I know he understood it; and this thought was of such a character that it would not be anything very remarkable, if one were to come for further talk about it at any hour of night, however late.
Chpt 3.6
- "On the contrary, I think it very likely that you may shoot yourself; but the principal thing is to keep cool," said Evgenie with a drawl, and with great condescension.
Chpt 3.7
- She did not blush as she said this; on the contrary, she grew pale, and started from her seat, apparently oblivious of what she did, and immediately sat down again.
Chpt 3.8
- We sometimes have strange, impossible dreams, contrary to all the laws of nature.
Chpt 3.10 *contrary to = in opposition to
- ...but he was by no means a non-existent character; on the contrary, how many intelligent people, after hearing of this Podkoleosin from Gogol, immediately began to find that scores of their friends were exactly like him!
Chpt 4.1on the contrary = an expression used to intensify denial of an idea
- On the contrary, I cannot help thinking he has been less demented of late.
Chpt 4.2
- On the contrary, if I am not mistaken, I believe you are yourself indebted to Mr. Ptitsin's hospitality.
Chpt 4.2
- The general had turned up in the bosom of his family two or three days before, but not, as usual, with the olive branch of peace in his hand, not in the garb of penitence—in which he was usually clad on such occasions—but, on the contrary, in an uncommonly bad temper.
Chpt 4.3
- On the contrary, I am listening most attentively, and am anxious to guess-
Chpt 4.3
- On the contrary, I am too painfully aware that neither by my position in the world, nor by my gifts of intellect and heart, nor by my riches, nor by any former conduct of mine, have I in any way deserved your confidence, which is far above my highest aspirations and hopes.
Chpt 4.3
- "On the contrary, I have been so much interested, I'm really very much obliged to you."
Chpt 4.4
- Would you believe it, they invited me there under the express condition that I should die quickly, and they are all as wild as possible with me for not having died yet, and for being, on the contrary, a good deal better!
Chpt 4.5
- Whatever may have appeared to the contrary, I give you my word, I see this more plainly every day.†
Chpt 4.5
- On the contrary, I shall sit as far from it as I can.
Chpt 4.6on the contrary = an expression used to intensify denial of an idea
- All had issued forth in obedience to the mandate; that is, the girls, mamma, and Prince S. Lizabetha Prokofievna went off in a direction exactly contrary to the usual one, and all understood very well what she was driving at, but held their peace, fearing to irritate the good lady.
Chpt 4.8contrary to = in opposition to
- On the contrary, I thought it absolutely necessary to come and see you; otherwise I should not have troubled you.
Chpt 4.8on the contrary = an expression used to intensify denial of an idea
- On the contrary, we are quite prepared to feel our share of the indignation which his behaviour aroused in the hearts of his friends.
Chpt 4.9
- In brief, it seemed to the doctor that the prince's choice, far from being a sign of foolishness, denoted, on the contrary, a shrewd, calculating, and practical mind.
Chpt 4.10
- On the contrary, she only added to his mental perturbation as the evening went on.
Chpt 4.10
(contrary as in: a contrary idea) different (perhaps opposite or mutually exclusive)In formal logic, contrary propositions or contrary arguments describe two things that cannot both be true. They might be described as mutually exclusive. For example, a pet cannot be both a cat and a dog. It doesn't need to be either, but if it is one, it cannot be the other. So the statement that a pet is a cat and the statement that the same pet is a dog, are contrary statements.
(contrary as in: a contrary personality) disagreeable -- typically in reference to someone's personality
(contrary to as in: contrary to) in opposition toYou could also think of this as meaning, despite, or in spite of, or in conflict with; but since a common meaning of contrary is opposite, you many find it easiest to think of contrary to as in opposition to.
(on the contrary as in: on the contrary) an expression used to intensify denial of an ideaMore rarely, on the contrary is used to oppose an idea contained in what was just said rather than to oppose what was literally said. Here is an example: "I will not pay you for the work. On the contrary, I may sue you for damages." Suing for damages does not oppose not paying, but it does oppose the idea of paying.
(to the contrary as in: to the contrary) with an opposite or different effect; or something with an opposite or different effect
- (6) (meaning too rare to warrant focus)