All 7 Uses of
The Idiot
- He stared out of the window, and fidgeted, and evidently longed for the end of the journey.†
Chpt 1.1 *fidgeted = made small restless movements
- Now, at once?" asked Mrs. Epanchin, gazing vaguely at her husband as he stood fidgeting before her.†
Chpt 1.5fidgeting = making small restless movements
- The general and Totski exchanged looks; Gania fidgeted convulsively in his chair.†
Chpt 1.13fidgeted = made small restless movements
- Everyone in the room fidgeted in their places, and waited to see what was coming next.†
Chpt 1.14
- Lebedeff kept fidgeting among the chairs, and did not seem to know what to do with himself, though he had no intention of going away.†
Chpt 2.6fidgeting = making small restless movements
- He seized his paper in a desperate hurry; he fidgeted with it, and tried to sort it, but for a long while his trembling hands could not collect the sheets together.†
Chpt 3.5fidgeted = made small restless movements
- She mechanically arranged her dress, and fidgeted uncomfortably, eventually changing her seat to the other end of the sofa.†
Chpt 4.8
(fidget) to make small restless movements
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Much more rarely (and usually in older literature), fidgets can reference a condition of restlessness irrespective of movements.