All 8 Uses of
The Idiot
- As for bread, I should think—" The general interrupted once more with questions; while the prince again replied with the narrative we have heard before.†
Chpt 1.3narrative = story
- However, I hope I shall not interfere with the proper sequence of my narrative too much, if I diverge for a moment at this point, in order to explain the mutual relations between General Epanchin's family and others acting a part in this history, at the time when we take up the thread of their destiny.†
Chpt 1.4
- This is the reason why he was so unwilling to take lunch (on the morning upon which we took up this narrative) with the rest of his family.†
Chpt 1.4 *
- The prince expressed his thanks once more, and eating heartily the while, recommenced the narrative of his life in Switzerland, all of which we have heard before.†
Chpt 1.5
- The prince gave a short narrative of what we have heard before, leaving out the greater part.†
Chpt 1.8
- One's conscience very soon informs one what is the proper narrative to tell.†
Chpt 1.14
- "Oh, my dear prince," cried the general, who was now so intoxicated with his own narrative that he probably could not have pulled up at the most patent indiscretion.†
Chpt 4.4
- The prince nearly always pretended to be amused, whether he were so actually or no; but often enough he laughed sincerely, delighted by the brilliancy of her wit when she was carried away by her narrative, as she very often was.†
Chpt 4.10
a story; or related to a story