Both Uses of
The Idiot
- "I really think I must request you to step into the next room!" he said, with all the insistence he could muster.†
Chpt 1.2 *muster = gather
- I don't know what I shall do with you—" The prince bent forward to listen, putting all the strain he could muster upon his understanding in order to take in what Rogojin said, and continuing to gaze at the latter's face.†
Chpt 4.11
(muster as in: muster strength or the crew) to gatherThe exact meaning of this sense of muster is often subject to its context. For example:
- "mustered her courage/strength/a smile" -- to gather from within
- "muster the soldiers/crew" -- to gather -- typically for inspection
- "muster volunteers/votes" -- to gather enough to do something
(muster as in: didn't pass muster) inspection -- especially of soldiers or a crew