All 15 Uses of
The Idiot
- I assure you, prince, that Lebedeff is intriguing against you.†
Chpt 4.10 *intriguing = causing interest, curiosity, or fascination
- When he came to the prince—the very day before the wedding—to confess (for he always confessed to the persons against whom he intrigued, especially when the plan failed), he informed our hero that he himself was a born Talleyrand, but for some unknown reason had become simple Lebedeff.†
Chpt 4.10intrigued = interested, curious, or fascinated
- You shall see; the old soldier shall lay bare this intrigue, or a shameless woman will force her way into a respectable and noble family.†
Chpt 1.12
- It was all clear to him; Prince S. was wrong, perhaps, in his view of the matter, but he was somewhere near the truth, and was right in so far as that he understood there to be an intrigue of some sort going on.†
Chpt 2.11
- "I am aware that you sent your son to that house—he told me so himself just now, but what is this intrigue?" said the prince, impatiently.†
Chpt 2.11
- "It is not my intrigue!" cried Lebedeff, waving his hand.†
Chpt 2.11
- It was engineered by other people, and is, properly speaking, rather a fantasy than an intrigue!†
Chpt 2.11
- It is simply a plot, an intrigue, to upset our plans and to stir up a quarrel.†
Chpt 2.11
- There is intrigue in the wind; but if on one side nothing is known, on the other side nothing will be explained.†
Chpt 3.3
- He had been a provincial doctor; he had a civil appointment, and had no sooner taken it up than intrigues began.†
Chpt 3.6
- But he won't write anonymous letters to the old lady; that would be too audacious a thing for him to attempt; but I dare swear the very first thing he did was to show me up to Aglaya as a base deceiver and intriguer.†
Chpt 4.1
- "I don't understand what you are driving at!" he cried, almost angrily, "and, and—what an intriguer you are, Lebedeff!" he added, bursting into a fit of genuine laughter.†
Chpt 4.3
- Our people never seem to be able to offer any resistance so soon as they get into the hands of these—intriguers—especially abroad.†
Chpt 4.7
- And so the thing has gone on, only that to the sword they have added lying, intrigue, deceit, fanaticism, superstition, swindling;—they have played fast and loose with the most sacred and sincere feelings of men;—they have exchanged everything—everything for money, for base earthly POWER!†
Chpt 4.7
- Even Vera Lebedeff was angry with him for a while; so was Colia; so was Keller, until he was selected for best man; so was Lebedeff himself,—who began to intrigue against him out of pure irritation;—but of this anon. In fact we are in full accord with certain forcible words spoken to the prince by Evgenie Pavlovitch, quite unceremoniously, during the course of a friendly conversation, six or seven days after the events at Nastasia Philipovna's house.†
Chpt 4.9
(intrigue as in: she was intrigued) cause to be interested, curious, or fascinated
(intrigue as in: involved in intrigue) a secret scheme or plot
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) In classic literature, intrigue may specifically reference a secret love affair.