All 8 Uses of
The Idiot
- This apparition was too much for Gania.†
Chpt 1.9apparition = a ghostlike figure or its appearance
- He turned his head towards her and glanced at her black and (for some reason) flashing eyes, tried to smile, and then, apparently forgetting her in an instant, turned to the right once more, and continued to watch the startling apparition before him.†
Chpt 3.2
- Painfully surprised as he was at this sudden apparition of Rogojin, the prince, for some little while, was unable to collect his thoughts.†
Chpt 3.3
- Suddenly the idea struck me—what if this is an apparition and not Rogojin himself?†
Chpt 3.6
- Neither during my illness nor at any previous time had I ever seen an apparition;—but I had always thought, both when I was a little boy, and even now, that if I were to see one I should die on the spot—though I don't believe in ghosts.†
Chpt 3.6
- And suddenly, just as twice already he had awaked from sleep with the same vision, that very apparition now seemed to rise up before him.†
Chpt 3.10 *
- No, this was no apparition!†
Chpt 3.10
- Nothing stirred; the blinds were motionless; indeed, the prince began to think that the apparition of Rogojin's face could have been nothing but fancy.†
Chpt 4.11
(apparition as in: a headless apparition) a ghostlike figure or its appearance
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) More rarely, apparition can refer to any strange, other-worldly, thing or its appearance. Even more rarely, apparition can by a synonym for appearance. The Harry Potter series uses the word both ways.