All 16 Uses of
The Idiot
- On a sheet of thick writing-paper the prince had written in medieval characters the legend: "The gentle Abbot Pafnute signed this."†
Chpt 1.3
- "There," explained the prince, with great delight and animation, "there, that's the abbot's real signature—from a manuscript of the fourteenth century.†
Chpt 1.3
- All these old abbots and bishops used to write most beautifully, with such taste and so much care and diligence.†
Chpt 1.3 *abbots = people in charge of groups of monks
- He has just written out 'Abbot Pafnute signed this' for me.†
Chpt 1.5
- Who is this abbot?" cried Mrs. Epanchin to her retreating husband in a tone of excited annoyance.†
Chpt 1.5
- Yes, my dear, it was an old abbot of that name-I must be off to see the count, he's waiting for me, I'm late—Good-bye!†
Chpt 1.5
- —What abbot—Who's Pafnute?" she added, brusquely.†
Chpt 1.5
- So, now then, who is this abbot?†
Chpt 1.5
- "Abbot Pafnute," said our friend, seriously and with deference.†
Chpt 1.5
- "The Abbot Pafnute lived in the fourteenth century," began the prince; "he was in charge of one of the monasteries on the Volga, about where our present Kostroma government lies.†
Chpt 1.5
- When the general asked me, in his study, to write something for him, to show my handwriting, I wrote 'The Abbot Pafnute signed this,' in the exact handwriting of the abbot.†
Chpt 1.5
- When the general asked me, in his study, to write something for him, to show my handwriting, I wrote 'The Abbot Pafnute signed this,' in the exact handwriting of the abbot.†
Chpt 1.5
- Wasn't it this same Pavlicheff about whom there was a strange story in connection with some abbot?†
Chpt 4.7
- I don't remember who the abbot was, but I remember at one time everybody was talking about it," remarked the old dignitary.†
Chpt 4.7
- "Yes—Abbot Gurot, a Jesuit," said Ivan Petrovitch.†
Chpt 4.7
- You must allow, my dear prince...However, of course you value the memory of the deceased so very highly; and he certainly was the kindest of men; to which fact, by the way, I ascribe, more than to anything else, the success of the abbot in influencing his religious convictions.†
Chpt 4.7
a person in charge of a group of monks