All 5 Uses of
The Idiot
- They all laughed, and the thought crossed the prince's mind that perhaps Lebedeff was really trifling in this way because he foresaw inconvenient questions, and wanted to gain time.†
Chpt 2.2 *
- As to small meannesses, such trifles did not trouble her.†
Chpt 4.1trifles = things of small importance
- Yet his smile, in spite of its sweetness, was a little thin, if I may so call it, and showed his teeth too evenly; his gaze though decidedly good-humoured and ingenuous, was a trifle too inquisitive and intent to be altogether agreeable.†
Chpt 1.2
- Don't stand on ceremony, give him some trifle, and let that end it.†
Chpt 1.11
- I think you are growing less cool, my friend, and are beginning to be a trifle surprised, aren't you?†
Chpt 4.8
(trifle as in: a trifling matter) something of small importance; or a small quantity
(trifle with as in: trifle with her affections) to treat somebody or something thoughtlessly or without respect
(meaning too rare to warrant focus) Less commonly, a trifle can refer to a kind of dessert. In classic literature, trifling can be a synonym for small talk.