Both Uses of
The Idiot
- Before I reached home I was met and summoned to the major's, so that it was some while before I actually got there.†
Chpt 1.14summoned = called forth; or called to come
- Lizabetha Prokofievna summoned a secret council of two, and insisted upon the general's demanding from the prince a full explanation of his relations with Nastasia Philipovna.†
Chpt 4.5 *
to call forth
The exact meaning of summon can depend upon its context. For example:
- "summon to court" -- officially demand that someone appear in court (call them to court)
- "summon the team to a meeting" -- call upon the team members to attend a meeting
- "summon help" -- call others to come and help
- "summon her courage" -- call forth her courage from within