All 7 Uses of
The Idiot
- Why, I can get him sent off to Siberia for that alone, if I like; it's sacrilege.†
Chpt 1.1 *
- Here, you—scarecrow!" he added, addressing the clerk at his side, "is it sacrilege or not, by law?'†
Chpt 1.1
- "Sacrilege, certainly—certainly sacrilege," said the latter.†
Chpt 1.1
- "Sacrilege, certainly—certainly sacrilege," said the latter.†
Chpt 1.1
- And it's Siberia for sacrilege, isn't it?†
Chpt 1.1
- But if we regard it as an experiment, inspired by the fear of committing new sacrilege, then this number six becomes intelligible.†
Chpt 3.4
- He swore he had a stone put up over it with the inscription: 'Here lies the leg of Collegiate Secretary Lebedeff,' and on the other side, 'Rest, beloved ashes, till the morn of joy,' and that he has a service read over it every year (which is simply sacrilege), and goes to Moscow once a year on purpose.†
Chpt 4.4
disrespect of something others consider important or sacred