All 3 Uses of
The Idiot
- This reasoning, however, seemed to end in a paradox, and lead to the further consideration:—"What matter though it be only disease, an abnormal tension of the brain, if when I recall and analyze the moment, it seems to have been one of harmony and beauty in the highest degree—an instant of deepest sensation, overflowing with unbounded joy and rapture, ecstatic devotion, and completest life?"†
Chpt 2.5
- How can you maintain such a paradox?†
Chpt 3.1 *
- After a minute or two he got up and came back to the table to listen to Lebedeff's outpourings, as the latter passionately commentated on Evgenie Pavlovitch's paradox.†
Chpt 3.4
a situation or statement that may be true but is surprising or seems impossible because parts of it seem to contradict each other