All 4 Uses of
The Idiot
- "Excellency," he said, impulsively, "if you want a reliable man for the night, I am ready to sacrifice myself for my friend—such a soul as he has!†
Chpt 2.10impulsively = without forethought
- If he had anticipated impatient questions, or impulsive confidences, he was soon undeceived.†
Chpt 2.11 *
- The speaker's impulsive warmth had surprised and even comforted him.†
Chpt 3.3
- It seemed to Evgenie Pavlovitch that there was not yet perfect harmony between Adelaida and her fiance, but he thought that in time the impulsive young girl would let herself be guided by his reason and experience.†
Chpt 4.12
action without forethought; or such a tendency