All 5 Uses of
The Idiot
- Besides, what could you give her, without having thousands at your disposal?
Chpt 1.3disposal = command
- If you will accept me as champion of the fair sex, I am at your disposal.
Chpt 3.2 *
- It made known that the eldest, Alexandra, would very likely be disposed to listen to a proposal.†
Chpt 1.4 *
- According to my calculations, the sum spent on me was very considerably under ten thousand roubles, but I decided on that sum, and you must admit that in paying a debt I could not offer Mr. Burdovsky more, however kindly disposed I might be towards him; delicacy forbids it; I should seem to be offering him charity instead of rightful payment.†
Chpt 2.8
- Well, I can understand that if I were to make an attempt upon my own life while in the enjoyment of full health and vigour—my life which might have been 'useful,' etc., etc.—morality might reproach me, according to the old routine, for disposing of my life without permission—or whatever its tenet may be.†
Chpt 3.7
(dispose as in: dispose of the waste) to throw away
(dispose as in: dispose of the matter) to settle something so it no longer requires attention
(dispose as in: dispose of the assets) sell or transfer to another
(dispose as in: disposed the troops along...) the arrangement, positioning, or use of thingsThis sense of dispose can be used in the form disposal to indicate that a person can use something as they wish -- as in:
- I am at your disposal.
- She has many assets at her disposal.
(dispose as in: Is she disposed to help?) inclined (with a tendency to; or in the mood to)This is usually seen in the form "disposed to..." or "disposed toward..."