All 8 Uses of
The Idiot
- do not be angry with the audacity of despair, with the drowning man who has dared to make this last effort to save himself from perishing beneath the waters.†
Chpt 1.7audacity = boldness and daring
- But he is audacious and shameless.†
Chpt 1.7 *audacious = bold and daring
- —Nastasia Philipovna," he added, looking at her like some lunatic, harmless generally, but suddenly wound up to a pitch of audacity, "here are eighteen thousand roubles, and—and you shall have more—."†
Chpt 1.10audacity = boldness and daring
- She gazed haughtily at the audacious person who had addressed her companion, and then turned a look of astonishment upon Evgenie himself.†
Chpt 2.10audacious = bold and daring
- 'Why, what on earth can have possessed you to come and see ME, Terentieff?' he cried, with his usual pleasant, sometimes audacious, but never offensive familiarity, which I liked in reality, but for which I also detested him.†
Chpt 3.6
- Were I in any way on a footing with you, you might be offended at my audacity; but who am I, and who are you?†
Chpt 3.10audacity = boldness and daring
- But he won't write anonymous letters to the old lady; that would be too audacious a thing for him to attempt; but I dare swear the very first thing he did was to show me up to Aglaya as a base deceiver and intriguer.†
Chpt 4.1audacious = bold and daring
- Whether she were a woman who had read too many poems, as Evgenie Pavlovitch supposed, or whether she were mad, as the prince had assured Aglaya, at all events, this was a woman who, in spite of her occasionally cynical and audacious manner, was far more refined and trustful and sensitive than appeared.†
Chpt 4.8
bold and daring (inclined to take risks) -- especially in violating social convention in a manner that could offend others